Database Systems - Semester A - Project

Team: Nitzan, Dror, Ariel, Gal

Questions for Amit

  1. What to do about polluted / non-real data (since foursquare is user input....)
  2. using Stored Procedures
  3. using for PHP-SQL -- BUT only using it's "rawQuery" method

Project Checklist

  1. Finish DB Populate
  2. Finish Server
  3. Finish Client
  4. Review Project Requirements
  5. Prepare Presentation/Explanation/Document/Whatever according to requirements
  6. Test everything on Nova Server

DB Populate

Process For Populating DB

  1. Run PHP insert_toTempTable.php with LL params ( latitude start & finish, and longitude start & finish)
  2. Run SQL SP - dbPopulate_ins_data_from_temp_table
  3. Run PHP insert_places_info.php - it will add additional info needed per place


  1. finish running on all USA (started at 31, currently at 41 out of 48)
  2. run insert_places_info.php for all the places



  1. Start thinking about what Queries
  2. develop Queries (probably as stored procedures)
  3. develop PHP files to connect DB & Client calls


  1. places search
  2. places list
  3. place page
  4. add review
  5. day search result
  6. replacements options menu
  7. show replacement details
  8. replace mocks with requests