- Docker image: brsynth/rpreader-standalone
RetroPath2.0 and rp2paths to SBML conversion tool. Takes for input the output of both RetroPath2.0 and rp2paths or RetroPath3.0 and generates a series of enriches SBML files with all the files contained within them.
- -rp2paths_pathways: (string) Path to the rp2paths pathways file
- -rp2paths_compounds: (string) Path to the rp2paths compounds file
- -rp2_pathways: (string) Path to the RetroPath2.0 pathways file
Advanced options:
- -upper_flux_bound: (integer, default=9999) Upper flux bound value
- -lower_flux_bound: (integer, default=0) Lower flux bound value
- -maxRuleIds: (integer, default=2) Number of subpaths per paths
- -pathway_id: (string, default=rp_pathway) ID of the heterologous pathway
- -compartment_id: (string, default=MNXC3 (i.e. cytoplasm)) Heterologous pathway compartment ID
- -species_group_id: (string, default=central_species) ID of the central species, i.e. not cofactors, in the heterologous reactions
- -outputTar: (string) Path to the output tar.xz file
- Base Docker Image: brsynth/rpBase
- Cache Docker Image: brsynth/rpCache
To build the docker locally, run the following command in the root folder of the project:
docker build -t brsynth/rpreader-standalone -f Dockerfile .
To test untar the test.tar.xz file and run the following command:
python tool_rp2Reader.py -rp2paths_compounds test/rp2paths_compounds.csv -rp2_pathways test/rp2_pathways.csv -rp2paths_pathways test/rp2paths_pathways.csv -output test/test_rpReader.tar
python run_rp2.py -rp2paths_compounds test/rp2paths_compounds.csv -rp2_pathways test/rp2_pathways.csv -rp2paths_pathways test/rp2paths_pathways.csv -output test/test_rpReader.tar
- Base docker image: brsynth/rpBase
- Cache docker image: brsynth/rpCache
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Melchior du Lac
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Thomas Duigou
- Joan HĂ©risson