
Wrapping the excellent idea from https://github.com/jSherz/codebuild-codepipeline-badges by @jSherz into a re-usable CloudFormation template


Wrapping the excellent idea from codebuild-codepipeline-badges by @jSherz into a re-usable CloudFormation template.

This template is an all-in-one solution that ensures that all AWS resources required to support badges are under CloudFormation control.

The stack created with this template defines the minimaly required set of permissions for the Lambda role to generate badges. Moreover, the stack pre-generates the "unknown status" badges for all specified CodePipelines and CodeBuild during the stack creation time, so you can link to the badges right away.

Unfortunately, due to the CloudFormation limitation on the size of inline Lambda the code was highly optimised to fit into the 4Kb limit (shame on you AWS for counting the leading whitespace toward this limit in YAML templates!).

In November 2018, AWS introduced A new layer to block S3 public access. The effect of this change is that if you leverage this new layer for your account then you would not be able to reach the generated badges via direct URLs to S3. The stack properly defines the generated badges as publicly accessible resources, but the new layer will ignore that. So you have a couple of options:

  1. (not recommended) Disable the "Block public access" feature for the "new" bucket policies and ACLs;
  2. Create a CloudFront distribution that uses the badges S3 bucket as origin and use the distribution to serve the badges. Read the official AWS documentation on Origin Access Identity to understand how this can be configured, especially read the "Overview of Origin Access Identity Setup" section since it provides a link to the practical tutorial on how to set it up (although the howto is ASP.NET specific a bit).


Standalone stack deployment monitoring particular CodeBuild projects and CodePipelines:

$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file badges.template \
        --stack-name badges \
        --parameter-overrides \
                CodeBuildProjects=project1,project2,project3 \
                CodePipelines=pipeline1,pipeline2 \
        --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Standalone stack deployment monitoring ALL CodeBuild projects and CodePipelines in the AWS account (please keep in minds that in this case the badges are NOT pre-created):

$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file badges.template \
        --stack-name badges \
        --parameter-overrides \
                'CodeBuildProjects=*' \
                'CodePipelines=*' \
        --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

As a part of another template (a nested stack) using YAML notation:


    Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
      TemplateURL: !Sub 'https://${BucketWithTemplate}.s3-${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/badges.template'
        CodeBuildProjects: !Join
          - ','
            - Project1
            - Project2
            - Project3
        CodePipelines: !Join
          - ','
            - Pipeline1
            - Pipeline2
      TimeoutInMinutes: 15

You can provide just CodeBuild project names, CodePipeline names, or both -- the template will determine what you want and will generate resources accordingly.


To keep everything embeded in the template and to avoid going through the two-stage deployment of Lambda the badges are dynamically generated in the in-line code.

The badge template can be found in the badge.svg.in file in this repository. The file contains some placeholders (such as @W@ for width, etc.) which are replaced at runtime before the final badge file is uploaded to the S3 bucket.

If you wish to create your custom badges, use the badge.svg.in file as your template. Once you are done, run it through base64, make the result to be a single base64-encooded line, and update the code.

The current look and feel of the generated badges is as follows:

CodePipeline CodeBuild
pipeline-UKNOWN build-UNKNOWN
pipeline-STARTED build-IN_PROGRESS
pipeline-CANCELED build-STOPPED
pipeline-FAILED build-FAILED

Linking to the badges

There are two options on how you can expose a badge on a page:

  1. You can just use the <img src="URL/(pipeline|badge)/(name_of_pipeline_or_badge).svg" />. This will render the badge once and to get the badge update you will need to reload the page (or the badge element). The URL can be retrieved from the stack output (it is either BucketStackUrl if you care about IPv4 addresses only or BucketDualStackUrl if you want a URL that also resoves to the IPv6 addresses).

  2. If you can use <iframe src=… /&gt;, &lt;embed src=… />, or <object data=… /> for embedding the SVG badge, then you will get the automatic badge refresh for free (thanks for the small script incorporated inside the generated badge SVG).

    By default, the refresh time is set to 30 seconds, but you can specify your own frequency by appending #t=NUMBER at the end of the badge URL, e.g. to refresh the badge every 5 seconds you may want to embed the badge as follows: <embed src="URL/(pipeline|badge)/(name_of_pipeline_or_badge).svg#t=5000" />

Have fun!