What the Angular


Repository for session "What you can find in Angular source code and how/when you should use it"

Full slides can be found here here.

Let me know if something is wrong. Create an Issue to this repo :)


Repository contains two "angular-cli like" apps.

antagonist/ - application for first part of session (Console as a Service, Initializers).

events/ - application for second part of session (EventEmitter).

Application development

Just execute yarn start command to run.

Application testing

Just execute yarn test for unit testing.


Repository contains few git tags. Use it to navigate between changes;

console - app without console as a service. Start here to code your own ConsoleService.

console-tests - app without ConsoleService unit tests. Start here to create some tests.

app-init - app ready for Initializers part of session.

app-init-tests - app with APP_INITIALIZER. Start here to create some tests for it.

platform-init - app with APP_INITIALIZER tests and PLATFROM_INITIALIZER demo.

app-bootstrap - app with APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER demo.

summary - app with console.log of Initializers execution order.

emitters - app with event emitters demo.


Please contact me via this repo. Just create issue or pull request.


Feel free to use my code from this repository.