OCR-D website

All the OCR-D documentation and information in one place



18.04, >= 8 GB RAM


First some development pkgs:

sudo apt install make git ruby-dev ruby-bundler openjdk-8-jre python3-pip

NOTE: The openjdk-8-jre dependency is only required for building the GT guidelines.

Then jekyll, in the repo:

make jekyll

This will install jekyll into ./vendor/bundle.


The OCR-D site requires quite a few sub repositories conveniently laid out in the ./repo dir:

make help

Run make help to see a list of commands.


deps-ubuntu       ubuntu deps
jekyll            Install jekyll dependencies
shinclude         Install shinclude
bootstrap         Set up the repos, site and tools
gt                Build gt-guidelines. This takes a few minutes. Be patient.
build-modules     TODO Build module information
build-processors  TODO Build processor information
serve             serve the site dynamically
build-site        build the site
core-docs         Build sphinx documentation for core
spec              Build the spec documents TODO translate
workflows         Rebuild the workflow document from wiki fragments


REPODIR          Directory containing this Makefile. Don't change it. Default '/home/kba/build/github.com/OCR-D/monorepo/ocrd-website'
JEKYLL           Which jekyll binary to use. Default 'jekyll'
DSTDIR           Where to build site. Default '/home/kba/build/github.com/OCR-D/monorepo/ocrd-website/docs'
SRCDIR           Where site is stored. Default '/home/kba/build/github.com/OCR-D/monorepo/ocrd-website/site'
GTDIR            Repositories mit dne DITA Quelltexten. Default: /home/kba/build/github.com/OCR-D/monorepo/ocrd-website/repo/gt-guidelines
JEKYLL_HOST      host to serve from. Default:
KWALITEE_CONFIG  Configuration file for ocrd-kwalitee. Default: /home/kba/build/github.com/OCR-D/monorepo/ocrd-website/kwalitee.yml
LANGS            Languages to build. Default: 'de en'
LANGS_DST        Guideline langs to build. Default: 

Activate any virtualenvs before running make.

To ensure a complete setup for Debian/Ubuntu based Linuxes: make bootstrap. This will test whether all the tools are installed and offer remediation if not.

Directory structure

  • docs: This is where the site will be built. Never touch it.
  • site: This is the jekyll site. Posts and Pages live here.
  • repo: Contains required subrepos
  • layout.html: Template for the layout for sphinx-doc to use. to be run through shinclude

Rebuild gt-guidelines

make gt


Most elements of the page should be made available as both German and English texts.

Use the keys lang and lang-ref in YAML front matter to control language:

  • lang should be either en or de.
  • lang-ref is a unique arbitrary identifier that marks two pages as translations of each other.

E.g. to create a new page about cars:


title: The interestingness of cars never ceases to amaze
lang: en
lang-ref: that-weird-cars-page

# Cars ...

amazing aren't they?


title: Autos sollen gekauft werden
lang: de
lang-ref: that-weird-cars-page

weil es fuer die wirtschaft gut ist.

You could then go to https://ocr-d.de/en/cars and to https://ocr-d.de/de/autos from there.

Deploying the site

First, clone https://github.com/OCR-D/ocr-d.github.io:

git clone https://github.com/OCR-D/ocr-d.github.io:

Then, rebuild the website to render the changes to Markdown to HTML:

make build-site

Copy all the contents of ./docs to ocr-d.github.io:

cp -r ./docs/* ocr-d.github.io

Commit and push the changes in ocr-d.github.io:

cd ocr-d.github.io
git add .
git commit -m 'website updated'

Updating publications

  • Go to https://www.zotero.org/groups/418719/ocr-d
  • Select all items (Hold Shift to mark in bulk, Ctrl-leftclick to mark the first entry)
  • Export as "Zotero RDF"
  • Open Zotero Desktop
  • Import collection from file
  • Delete all "Presentation" (for "articles", delete everything else for "presentations")
  • Sort reverse by date
  • Select all
  • Right click -> export bibliography
  • Use OCRD_infoclio.ch style
  • Export as html, save as pub.html
  • Edit pub.html, crop to just the <body> contents
  • Replace some minor inconsistencies in Zotero's HTML output:
    • sed -i 's,>/slides,>https://ocr-d.de/slides,' pub.html
    • sed -i 's,doi.org//,ocr-d.de/,' pub.html
  • paste pub.html into site/en/publications.md or site/de/publications.md

Updating workflows

The workflows page is built from pages on inidividual steps in the OCR-D wiki.

To automate this, you need to have shinclude installed with make shinclude.

Make sure that repo/ocrd-website.wiki is up-to-date: cd repo/ocrd-website.wiki; git pull origin master.

make workflows will generate site/en/workflows.md from the wiki fragments. Inspect it for consistency before merging.