
Breadcrumbs for your PHP project!

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a class for use in creating breadcrumbs in your PHP projects.

##Basic usage

$breadcrumbs = new Breadcrumbs;
$breadcrumbs->addBreadcrumb( 'Home', '/' );
$breadcrumbs->addBreadcrumb( 'Electronics', '/electronics/' );
$breadcrumbs->addBreadcrumb( 'Projectors', '/electronics/projectors/' );
$breadcrumbs->addBreadcrumb( 'ViewSonic 8200 HD' );
echo $breadcrumbs->getBreadcrumbsHtml();

Home » Electronics » Projectors » ViewSonic 8200 HD

##Automatic breadcrumbs

You can get the breadcrumbs from a url as well using addBreadcrumbsFromUrl(). The second argument to this method is a function that will be run on each breadcrumb. The following function replaces - with a space and capitalizes the words.

You would want to use a server variable like $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].

$breadcrumbs = new Breadcrumbs;
    function( $bc ){
        return ucwords( str_replace( '-', ' ', $bc ) );
echo $breadcrumbs->getBreadcrumbsHtml();

Electronics » Projectors » Viewsonic 8200 Hd » 584948202

There are a couple issues

  • No home link
  • Unwanted product ID in the breadcrumbs
  • The callback function incorrectly capitalized the product name

To add a home breadcrumb use the insertBreadcrumb() method

// Add the home breadcrumb at position 0
$breadcrumbs->insertBreadcrumb( 0, 'Home', '/' );
echo $breadcrumbs->getBreadcrumbsHtml();

Home » Electronics » Projectors » Viewsonic 8200 Hd » 584948202

To delete the unwanted ID breadcrumb use deleteBreadcrumb()

// Set position to -1 to delete the last breadcrumb
$breadcrumb->deleteBreadcrumb( -1 );
echo $breadcrumbs->getBreadcrumbsHtml();

Home » Electronics » Projectors » Viewsonic 8200 Hd

Since this is a product page you will surely get the name of the product from your datasource. You can replace the last breadcrumb with the correct product name.

// Set $position to -1 to start from the right
$breadcrumbs->replaceBreadcrumb( -1, $product['name'] );
echo $breadcrumbs->getBreadcrumbsHtml();

Home » Electronics » Projectors » ViewSonic 8200 HD

All together

$breadcrumbs = new Breadcrumbs;
    function( $bc ){
        return ucwords( str_replace( '-', ' ', $bc ) );
->insertBreadcrumb( 0, 'Home', '/' )
->deleteBreadcrumb( -1 )
->replaceBreadcrumb( -1, $product['name'] );
echo $breadcrumbs->getBreadcrumbsHtml();

Home » Electronics » Projectors » ViewSonic 8200 HD

##Other methods

Delete a breadcrumb at a certain position

$breadcrumbs->deleteBreadcrumb( 3 );

Replace a breadcrumb

$breadcrumbs->replaceBreadcrumb( 2, 'Breadcrumb Title', 'Breadcrumb Link' );

Get the breadcrumb count


##Editing the breadcrumb html

There are 4 methods you can use to change the html of the breadcrumbs

Html wrapper for the breadcrumbs


Html that wraps the breadcrumb text


This is the html for the last/active breadcrumb


This goes in between each breadcrumb


##Advanced usage

When changing the breadcrumb html you can insert your own variables.

$bc->setBreadcrumbHtml( '<a href="{link}" onclick="alert(\'{alert}\');return false;">{text}</a>' );

This adds a variabled named {alert} to the html. To set this variable pass an array as the third argument to addBreadcrumb()

$bc->addBreadcrumb( 'Electronics', '/electronics/', array( 'alert' => 'This is an alert' ) );

This is an alert will replace {alert} in the html