=== HelpPress Knowledge Base === Contributors: galengidman Tags: knowledge base, knowledgebase, help desk, helpdesk, wiki Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 5.2.3 Stable tag: trunk A WordPress knowledge base plugin compatible with almost any theme. == Description == HelpPress is a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress knowledge base plugin. No complicated configuration, templating, or code updates. Just install and you immediately have a fully-functional self-help system for your customers. = Features = - **Theme Compatible**: Compatible with almost any theme right out of the box. No templating required. - **Responsive Design**: Works on almost any device or screen size your customers may be using. - **Live Search Results**: Suggests relevant articles to your users live as they enter search terms. - **Customizable URLs**: Customize the URL slugs for all the major sections of your knowledge base. - **Easy Content Organization**: Organize knowledge base articles by category, tag, and post format. - **Breadcrumb**: Includes a built-in breadcrumb to help your users keep track of where they are. - **Custom Templates**: Override default templates with your own to better match your site. - **Extendable**: Includes dozens of actions and filters to allow for ultimate customization. - **Lightweight**: Coded with performance as a priority so it won't slow down your site. == Installation == - **WordPress Plugins Directory**: Navigate to *Plugins* → *Add New* in the WordPress admin and search “HelpPress.” Click *Install* and then *Activate*. - **Zip Upload**: Navigate to *Plugins* → *Add New* → *Upload Plugin* in the WordPress admin. Browse to the .zip file containing the plugin on your computer and upload, then activate. - **Manual FTP Upload**: Upload the plugin folder to `/wp-content/plugins/`. Navigate to *Plugins* in the WordPress admin and activate. == Frequently Asked Questions == = I'm getting a "Page Not Found" or 404 error. What do I do? = Navigate to *Settings* → *Permalinks* in the WordPress admin and click *Save*. = How do I add my knowledge base to a menu? = Navigate to *Appearance* → *Menus* in the WordPress admin. Ensure "HelpPress" is checked in the *Screen Options* tab in the top-right corner of the screen. You will now see an expandable *HelpPress* box on the left side of the screen that contains a custom link that you can add to a menu. = Does HelpPress work with Plain Permalinks? = Yes, but the slug settings will have no effect. == Screenshots == 1. HelpPress on Twenty Seventeen using default, 2-column layout. 2. HelpPress on Twenty Fifteen using a 1-column layout. 3. General settings. 4. Display settings. 5. Breadcrumb settings. 6. Search settings. == Changelog == = 3.1.3, October 16, 2019 = * Fix: Missing taxonomies on article edit screen by adding `show_in_rest`. = 3.1.2, October 15, 2019 = * Fix: Plugin settings action link. * Fix: Orphaned column icon images. = 3.1.1, October 15, 2019 = * Fix: Ensure SVN repo has the correct files. = 3.1.0, October 15, 2019 = * Tweak: Update compatible WP versions. * Tweak: Base asset minification on `SCRIPT_DEBUG` instead of `WP_DEBUG`. * Tweak: Enable Block Editor on articles by adding `show_in_rest` to CPT registration. * Tweak: Put PHP classes in global `helppress` container. * Tweak: Don't run PHP includes through filter — could only lead to trouble. * Fix: Double slash in asset URLs. * Fix: Disable direct access to all PHP includes. * Fix: Improper option default escaping. = 3.0.0, October 6, 2019 = * New: Rework Settings page to be powered by CMB2 instead of Titan Framework. * New: Create `HelpPress_Plugin` class to manage plugin instantiation. * Tweak: Minor updates to code styling. * Fix: Ensure that rewrite rules are always regenerated after post types have been registered on plugin activation. = 2.0.1, April 9, 2019 = * Tweak: Updated contributors and bump up compatible WP versions. = 2.0.0, February 11, 2018 = * New: Add option to display the knowledge base on the front page. * New: Allow for unlimitted articles/page setting (-1) and disable pagination if chosen. * New: Add `helppress_disable_option_{option_id}` filter to disable UI of individual setting fields. * New: Add `helppress_disable_css` filter to forcibly disable output of HelpPress CSS. * New: Add `helppress_disable_page_template` filter to forcibly disable using the page template setting, even if option exists in DB. * New: Add `helppress_is_paginated()` helper. * New: Add `helppress-taxonomy.php` template file as default for `helppress-category.php` and `helppress-tag.php`. * New: Add `helppress_disable_theme_compat_mode` filter to disable post resetting and content filtering — needed for custom theming. * Tweak: Enqueue minified assets unless `WP_DEBUG` is `true`. * Tweak: Various text capitalizations and strings. * Tweak: Upgraded jQuery Autocomplete script. * Tweak: Rename `helppress_is_kb_page()` to `helppress_is_kb()`. Kept old function as alias for backwards compatiblity. * Tweak: Don't load plugin if WordPress or PHP is below required version. * Tweak: Remove included POT file in liue of GlotPress. * Tweak: Improved performance of demo content import. * Fix: Only show permalinks notice to users that can manage options. * Fix: Use knowledge base title for menu archive link. = 1.4.2, November 13, 2017 = * New: Add link Settings page to the plugin's action links. * Fix: Fix user permissions for admin menu item and "View Live" link. = 1.4.1, November 7, 2017 = * Tweak: CSS enhancements for breadcrumb styling. * Fix: Exclude admin area from context helper functions. = 1.4.0, September 25, 2017 = * New: Add option to use page template as knowledge base template. * New: Added search form to the top of the article items and article templates. * Tweak: Use dashicons for menu icon. = 1.3.0, September 19, 2017 = * New: Added dozens of action hooks to the front-end templates. * Fix: i18n strings for the `helppress_category_article_count()`. = 1.2.1, September 14, 2017 = * New: `helppress_category_article_count()` template tag to output number of articles in a given category. * Tweak: Updated styling for search field, button, and suggestions dropdown. * Tweak: Yoda conditionals to conform to PHP coding standards. * Fix: Decode HTML entities in search suggestions. = 1.2.0, September 13, 2017 = * New: `helppress_get_kb_context()` helper function. * Tweak: Search results and category/tag archive content templates now pull from new `parts/helppress-content-article-items.php` template. * Tweak: Wrap content templates in new `#helppress` div. * Tweak: Generally more defensive CSS and consistent margins. * Tweak: Update archive category title headings from `h2` → `h3`. * Fix: Responsive archive columns CSS. = 1.1.1, September 9, 2017 = * Fix: Various bugs. = 1.1.0, September 9, 2017 = * New: Added built-in demo content installer. Will offer to install demo content if no published articles exist and demo content has not been previously installed. * Tweak: Added `helppress_article_post_formats` filter for allows post formats for articles. * Fix: Fixed missing search suggestions class file. = 1.0.2, September 9, 2017 = * New: Show category and tag columns in admin post table. * New: Added inline DocBlock-style documentation to functions and classes. * Fix: Pagination for the knowledge base archive when no categories are present. = 1.0.1, September 7, 2017 = * Fix: Various bugs. = 1.0.0, September 6, 2017 = * Initial release. So. Exciting.