This code is developed base on Huaming Wang's code base
Codes in CUDA_Projective_Armadillo is for a tet mesh simulation.
Codes in CUDA_Projective_Square is for a mass-spring cloth simulation.
Settings of simulation can be hard coded. However to get rid of recompilation, we provide a way to load setting from files.
[cloth size]
[output directory of benckmark records]
[enable benchmark]
[number of iterations in one frame] [enable Hessian] [enable Chebyshev] [enable pre-factorization on the finest level]
[number of coarsened level]
[number of vertices in each coarsened level, begin from the coarsest level]
[save matrix in each level (including the finest level) in a dense matrix memory layout]
[save matrix in each level (including the finest level) in a LDU memory layout]
[number of multigrid operations]
[list of multigrid operations]
[parameter for Chebyshev]
[number of objects in the scene]
[list of objects in the scene]
cloth size:
number of vertices on one side of a square cloth
enable Chebyshev:
Chebyshev is an algorithm delivered by Huaming Wang. Here is the PDF. This option is only for comparison.
enable pre-factorization on the finest level:
Enable it for direct solve on the finest level. Disable it for saving a ton of time in pre-computing.
save matrix in each level (including the finest level) in a LDU memory layout:
LDU memory layout saves the lower part, the diagonal and the upper part of a matrix seperately.
For performance issue, symmetric Gauss-Seidel iteration is only supported on this memory layout.
list of multigrid operations:
To customize a multigrid procedure, we offer 3 kinds of operations: DownSample, UpSample and Smoothing.
- DownSample: This operation sets up the coarsened problem based on current level and switches to the next coarsened level. Use it as "DS".
- UpSample: This operation updates information in the fined problem based on current level and switches to the next fined level. Use it as "US".
- Smoothing: This operation performs smoothing iterations on the current level. So far we have implemented:
- Jacobi iteration: could be used if matrix is not stored in dense, use "Jacobi [N]" for [N] iterations.
- Gauss-Seidel iteration: could be used if matrix is not store in dense and stored in LDU memory layout, use "GS [N]" for [N] iterations.
- Direct solve: could be used if matrix is in the coarsest level and stored in dense, or in the finest level with [enable pre-factorization on the finest level] on, use it as "Direct".
list of objects in the scene:
This option is for simulation with collision. Define the COLLISION flag in code use enable it.
So far we support these objects:
- Sphere: use "Sphere [cx] [cy] [cz] [r]" as a sphere centered in position (cx, cy, cz) with radius r.
- Plane: use "Plane [nx] [ny] [nz] [b]" as a plane whose analytical form is (nx, ny, nz)*(x, y, z)=b.
- Cylinder: use "Cylinder [cx] [cy] [r]" as a Cylinder which is infinitely long along z axis, centered in position (cx, cy, 0) and with radius r.
boundary conditions:
We have a hard coded "fixed vectices" boundary conditions.
[mesh file name]
[output directory of benckmark records]
[enable benchmark]
[scaling] [pre rotation] [post rotation]
[number of iterations in one frame] [enable Hessian] [enable Chebyshev] [enable pre-factorization on the finest level]
[relaxation parameter of Gauss-Seidel iteration]
[number of coarsened level]
[number of vertices in each coarsened level, begin from the coarsest level]
[save matrix in each level (including the finest level) in a dense matrix memory layout]
[save matrix in each level (including the finest level) in a LDU memory layout]
[number of multigrid operations]
[list of multigrid operations]
[parameter for Chebyshev]
[number of objects in the scene]
[list of objects in the scene]
Almost the same as the previous one, except:
mesh file name:
we provide some sample meshes in our project. You can generate mesh files in the same format to simulate your own meshes.
scaling, pre rotation, post rotation:
This is for getting rid of re-compilation while benchmarking. You can also hard code it for customization.
This code has not been re-written yet for people to read it easily. Contact if you have any problem.