🚀 Sparse Positive Definite Linear System Solver Benchmark 📏

This is an informal benchmark for k-harmonic diffusion problems on triangle meshes found commonly in geometry processing.

Current upshot:

  • CholMod is very good 🐐
  • Pardiso holds up alright 🏆
  • Eigen LLT/LDLT are OK but suffer for less sparse systems 🏅
  • catamari is OK for medium but inaccurate for big systems (bonus: it's MPL2 🆓)
  • Eigen LU¹ is significantly slower 🐌

¹These systems are SPD so LU is not a good choice, but provides a reference.


git clone --recursive https://github.com/alecjacobson/sparse-solver-benchmark


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


./sparse_solver_benchmark [path to triangle mesh]



./sparse_solver_benchmark ../xyzrgb_dragon-720K.ply 

on my MacBook 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 with 32 GB Ram will produce:


Method Factor Solve L∞ norm
Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT 0.86 secs 0.1 secs 1.13266e-10
Eigen::SimplicialLLT 1.5 secs 0.12 secs 1.19565e-10
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT 1.5 secs 0.14 secs 1.48007e-10
catamari::SparseLDL 1.7 secs 0.11 secs 1.27168e-10
Eigen::PardisoLLT 1.9 secs 0.59 secs 1.05662e-10
Eigen::SparseLU 4.8 secs 0.18 secs 6.85971e-11


Method Factor Solve L∞ norm
Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT 1.7 secs 0.13 secs 8.33117e-05
Eigen::SimplicialLLT 12 secs 0.37 secs 5.58785e-05
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT 12 secs 0.41 secs 6.92762e-05
catamari::SparseLDL 13 secs 0.33 secs 0.0002359
Eigen::PardisoLLT 4 secs 0.69 secs 6.34374e-05
Eigen::SparseLU 31 secs 0.6 secs 4.10639e-05


Method Factor Solve L∞ norm
Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT 3.3 secs 0.19 secs 42.2496
Eigen::SimplicialLLT 41 secs 0.8 secs 36.0525
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT 41 secs 0.89 secs 32.1019
catamari::SparseLDL 50 secs 0.78 secs 150.97
Eigen::PardisoLLT 6.9 secs 0.81 secs 96.7205
Eigen::SparseLU 1.3e+02 secs 1.2 secs 22.0579

Obviously YMMV, if you find something interesting let me know!.

What about this other solver XYZ?

Please submit a pull request with a wrapper for solver XYZ. The more the merrier.

What are the systems being solved?

This code will build a discretization of the ∆ᵏ operator and solve a system of the form:

∆ᵏ u + u = x

where x is the surface's embedding. In matrix form this is:

(Wᵏ + M) u = M x

where Wᵏ is defined recursively as:

W¹ = L
Wᵏ⁺¹ = Wᵏ M⁻¹ L

and L is the discrete Laplacian and M is the discrete mass matrix.

This is a form of smoothing (k=1 is implicit mean curvature flow "Implicit Fairing of Irregular Meshes" Desbrun et al. 1999, k≥2 is higher order, e.g., "Mixed Finite Elements for Variational Surface Modeling" Jacobson et al. 2010)

For k=1, the system is generally OK w.r.t. conditioning and the sparsity for a minifold mesh will be 7 non-zeros per row (on average).

For k=3, the system can get really badly scaled and starts to become more dense (~40 non-zeros per row).