This repository intends to provide easy access to the manuscripts, data, codes and suplementary matherial of the publication developed under the Project BIOTA.

The Project BIOTA was developed by the Laboratório de Biologia da Conservação (LABIC), at the São Paulo State University (UNESP).
The project is under the direction of Prof. Dr. Mauro Galetti, and is funded by FAPESP.


Bello_Ecol2017. Atlantic frugivory a plant–frugivore interaction data set for the Atlantic Forest
Dugger_GlobEcolBiogeogr2018. Seed‐dispersal networks are more specialized in the Neotropics than in the Afrotropics
Emer_Biotrop2019. Seed dispersal networks in tropical forest fragments- Area effects, remnant species, and interaction diversity
Emer_EcolLett2018. Seed-dispersal interactions in fragmented landscapes – a metanetwork approach
Emer_SciAdv2019. Defaunation precipitates the extinction of evolutionarily distinct interactions in the Anthropocene
Villar_JEcol2019. The cryptic regulation of diversity by functionally complementary large tropical forest herbivores

Other publications - Publications in science magazines, etc.