
Yamvil is a library and compiler plugin that helps developers build Android and Compose Multiplatform apps using the MVI Architecture.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Maven Central Version CI codecov License

Yamvil is a library and a compiler plugin bringing MVI Infrastructure to ViewModels, Fragments and Jetpack Compose, for Android and Compose Multiplatform apps.

⚠️ This is a work in progress: Yamvil is still in early development and is not ready for production use. The API is subject to change and only Android Studio Nightly shows the errors thrown by the compiler plugin.


The full documentation of Yamvil is available here.

To the Point

Write MVI ViewModels like this:

class DashboardViewModel: MVIViewModel<DashboardUiState, DashboardUiEvent>() {

    override fun initializeUiState(): DashboardUiState {
        return DashboardUiState(state = DashboardUiState.ContentState.Loading)
    override fun handleEvent(event: DashboardUiEvent) {
        when (event) {
            is DashboardUiEvent.ClickOnNext -> onClickOnNext()

    private fun onClickOnNext() {
        update { copy(action = Consumable(DashboardUiAction.NavigateToNext)) }

Then use your MVI ViewModel in a Composable like this:

fun DashboardScreen(
    uiState: DashboardUiState,
    handleEvent: (DashboardUiEvent) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
    when (uiState.state) {
        is DashboardUiState.ContentState.Loading -> DashboardLoadingContent()
        is DashboardUiState.ContentState.Error -> DashboardErrorContent()
        is DashboardUiState.ContentState.Content -> DashboardContent(uiState.state)

    LaunchedActionEffect(uiState) { action: DashboardUiAction ->
        when (action) {
            DashboardUiAction.NavigateToNext -> {}
// (...)

Or if you're using Fragments, like this:

class DashboardFragment: MVIFragment<DashboardUiState, DashboardUiEvent>() {

    override val viewModel: DashboardViewModel by viewModels()
    override fun observeUiState(uiState: DashboardUiState) {
        when (uiState.state) {
            DashboardUiState.ContentState.Loading -> onLoading()
            is DashboardUiState.ContentState.Content -> onContent(uiState.state)
            DashboardUiState.ContentState.Error -> onError()

        uiState.onAction { action ->
            when (action) {
                DashboardUiAction.NavigateToNext -> navigateToNext()
    // (...)


In your libs.version.toml, add the following:

yamvil = "0.0.2"

yamvil = { group = "dev.galex.yamvil", name = "runtime", version.ref = "yamvil" }

yamvil = { id = "dev.galex.yamvil", version.ref = "yamvil" }

Then add those to your project:

// Root build.gradle.kts
plugins {
    alias(libs.plugins.yamvil) apply false
// In your app/build.gradle.kts
plugins {

dependencies {


yamvil {
    level = YamvilLevel.Error // or Warning
    compose {
        screenSuffix = "Screen"
        uiStateParameterName = "uiState"
        handleEventParameterMame = "onEvent"


Run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal to publish all the artefacts locally.

Run ./gradlew publishAndReleaseToMavenCentral --no-configuration-cache to publish all artefacts to Maven Central.