
Template ASP.NET Core MVC

Primary LanguageC#


Template ASP.NET Core MVC

#Isntall Requirements

.NET SDK 7.0

.NET Runtime 7.0

Entity Framework Core .NET Command-line Tools 7.0.12

If you have already installed entity framework, update to latest version:

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-efdotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef

#Setup Development Enviroment

Download project:

git clone https://github.com/galileoeduardo/hfapp.git

Run migrations:

cd hfapp\HFApp.WEB
dotnet ef migrations add hf --context HFDbContext
dotnet ef database update --context HFDbContext

dotnet ef migrations add auth --context AuthDbContext
dotnet ef database update --context AuthDbContext

Reset migrations:

dotnet ef database drop --context HFDbContext --force
dotnet ef migrations remove --context HFDbContext --force

dotnet ef database drop --context AuthDbContext --force
dotnet ef migrations remove --context AuthDbContext --force

API endpoints:


GET /api/FileEntities


GET /api/FileEntities/{id}


GET /api/UserEntities


GET /api/UserEntities/{id}