
System Requirements

  • Python 3.6
  • Django 2.2.6
  • PostgresSQL 10


  • Python 3.6
  • virtualenv

For dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Database Management

To setup database the very first time just in development:

CREATE USER pallbot_development_user PASSWORD 'pallbot_evelopment_password';
ALTER ROLE pallbot_development_user WITH SUPERUSER;
CREATE DATABASE pallbot_development WITH OWNER pallbot_development_user;

Running migrations

To run migrations use the following command:

./manage migrate


As Nova Coco We are worry about the security of any of our products. For more reference please review Pony check up site.

Deployment Instructions

Heroku is our PaaS provider, see the references.

Admin Panel

The Admin Panel is mounted at:


Generating Super Admin Users

There is a handy task that creates Super Admin Users, you can invoke it with:

./ createsuperuser