
Telegram bot that summarizes the content of a given URL with AI model

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram bot with AI article Summarizer

There is a blog post about this mini-project: https://medium.com/@galperovich/build-a-telegram-chatbot-with-any-ai-model-under-the-hood-62f9a8675d81

tl;dr: we are building a text summarization bot for long articles, but I keep the code as general as possible, so consider it as a Python template for wrapping any model into a bot.

Sometimes you don't want to read the whole article, but you want to know what it's about.

This Telegram bot will extract the content of an article from a given URL and summarize it for you with the help of AI summarization model.


  1. Create a Telegram bot with BotFather
  2. Run the bot locally or deploy with Docker
  3. Send a URL with an article you want to summarize to the bot
  4. Receive summarized article!

Tools under the hood

  1. Telegram bot and aiogram library
  2. Hugging Face BART model for summarization
  3. pyppeteer headless browser to scrape an article from a given URL
  4. trafilatura to extract the article from the HTML (removes all the ads and other stuff)

How to run

Environment variables

  1. BOT_TOKEN - Telegram bot token. Get it by creating in @BotFather
  2. MODEL_NAME - Summarization model name (options: "sshleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6", "facebook/bart-large-cnn", " facebook/bart-large-xsum"). By default "sshleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6"
  3. LOG_LEVEL - Logging level (options: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"). By default "INFO"
  4. FROM_DOCKER - If the app is running in Docker (options: 1, 0). By default 0

Run locally

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Run tests (at first, it will download the model, and it will take a few minutes)


Run the bot

python summary_bot/bot.py

Send to your Telegram bot a link to the article and get the summary!

Run with Docker

Warning: It won't work on arm86 (Apple Silicon), I wasn't able to make Pypeteer work in Docker.

But it works on Linux/Debian 10, x86-64.

docker build -t ai_summary_bot:latest .
docker run --rm --init -it --name ai_summary_bot \
  --env BOT_TOKEN="<YOUR_TOKEN>" \
  --env FROM_DOCKER=1 \

# in case it is not killed by Ctrl+C
docker kill ai_summary_bot