
A crowd-sourced list of papers using Idris

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A crowd-sourced list of papers using Idris

Concurrency & Distributed Systems

Simon Fowler
Verified Networking using Dependent Types
BSc Thesis '14


Nicolas Biri
Dependent tagless final
PEPM 2022

Interactive Editing

Joomy Korkut
Edit-Time Tactics in Idris
MSc Thesis '18

Programming Languages

Jack Pettersson, Robert Edström
Safer smart contracts through type-driven development
Msc Thesis '16

Philipp Schuster, Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser
Typing, representing, and abstracting control: functional pearl
TyDe '18

Qiutai Pan, Xenofon Koutsoukos
Building a Blockchain Simulation using the Idris Programming Language
ACM SE '19

Type Providers

David Christiansen
Dependent type providers
WGP '13