
Snacktacular Versoin 4 starting with Ch. 8.26

Primary LanguageSwift


This is a completed app, demonstrating what you'll create after following the tutorial videos at: http://bit.ly/snacktacular

This is also the app built in Chapter 8 in v.4 of Prof. John Gallaugher's Zero-to-Full-Stack textbook: "Learn to Program Using Swift for iOS Development". For more details, see https://gallaugher.com/swift

NOTE: To run this project you’ll need to get a Google Places API key, and you’ll need to make sure it’s configured to work with your app. If you reuse your existing API key (there’s no cost to get another), be sure that you’ve updated restrictions to allow the bundle ID for this app, as well. It is assumed these are in a file named APIKeys.swift, included in your version of the project, but not in this GitHub repo.

You’ll also need to create a Cloud Firestore project, set up a Google billing account, and configure the app to work with your GoogleServicesInfo.plist. These various settings are described in the app.