
Shake a CircuitPlayground + receive advice from Yoda. Great to add to a plush or 3D print.

Primary LanguagePython


Shake a CircuitPlayground + receive advice from Yoda. Great to add to a plush or 3D print.

This build was one of multiple test questions on an in-class Physical Computing exam. Students downloaded the yoda-soundsn folder & were tasked to: configure sound & the board's built-in accelerometer, generate a random number 0 - 8, play the soud corresponding to that number, and animate a green swirl effect (comet animation) while Yoda was dispensing advice, shutting off the animation when done.

When added to a plush, battery powered, and when given a louder speaker, it's a sort of "Yoda-style Magic 8-Ball".

Make any modifications that improve the code or experience? Let me know! Cheers! Prof. G. Find Maker, CircuitPython, and Video Tutorials at: https://YouTube.com/profgallaugher


This tweet contains an image of the build with a battery in a plush by https://www.instagram.com/ktleporte/ https://twitter.com/gallaugher/status/1522051944281477120?s=20&t=GXcs7HUyaNp8ixktXqMG_w

Here's her Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/listing/992780072/baby-y?click_key=51022651598c5af0b8e3dc757f66b7d40dab8610%3A992780072&click_sum=6ac42fd0&ref=shop_home_active_18&sca=1