industrial project
This repo contains the yaml files required to deploy a postgres database fo use with an OpenNMS deployment.
Minikube and Kubectl configured for Docker Desktop
To use:

  1. Clone the repo to the IDE of your choice
  2. Ensure docker is running:
    minikube start --driver docker
  3. Run the following commands in the terminal:
    kubectl apply -f postgres-configmap.yaml;
    kubectl apply -f postgres-storage.yaml;
    kubectl apply -f postgres-deployment.yaml;
    kubectl apply -f postgres-service.yaml;
  4. Display the pod information using:
    kubectl get all
  5. Note the pod name and the service/postgres port
  6. Run the command:
    kubectl exec -it [pod-name] -- psql -h localhost -U admin --password -p [port] postgresdb
    With the pod-name and port being what was recoded in step 5
  7. Enter the password defined in postgres-configmap.yaml