install docker
Get the image:
docker pull galletti/simulations:latest
docker run -it simulations:latest /bin/bash
Alternatively you can build the image locally:
cd to this repo and run
docker build -t simulations:latest .
Then run
docker run -it simulations
In the new shell, python2.7 and all the requirements will be install and you will be able to run the code as bellow
Processes come into CPU with rate 40/s
The CPU is an MM2, with service time .02s
After being serviced by the CPU, the process moves on to: * the NetWork with probability .4 * the disk with probability .1 * is done with probability .5
The Network is an MM1 queue with service time .025
The Disk is an MM1 queue with service time .1
After being serviced by the Network, the process circles back to get serviced by the CPU with probability 1
After being serviced by the disk, the process: * circles back to get serviced by the CPU with probability .5 * moves on to the Network with probability .5
For MM1, compile with:
python BasicQueueSimulation.py --type MM1
For UU1, compile with:
python BasicQueueSimultaion.py --type UU1
For MM2, compile with:
python BasicQueueSimulation.py --type MM2
To generate a plot of Average Queue Length (w) against Service Time (Ts) add -generateRawResults flag before --type flag
python BasicQueueSimulation.py -generateRawResults --type MM1
generateRawResults cannot (yet) display plot from docker container