
COMP 20 Spring 2017 Private Repo for Lexi Galantino

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository contains much of my work from Comp20 - Web Programming at Tufts University.

Favorite assignment

My favorite assignment was my personal website, actually. Although I had been using Bootstrap for about a year at that point, we were required on this assignment to build all CSS from scratch. I really enjoyed this, because it gave me a much better understanding of how Bootstrap works and also allowed me to customize elements on my page. I thought a lot about design, and I really enjoyed that.


Although I came into this course knowing HTML, CSS, and some Rails and SQL, my knowledge prior to this course was entirely self-taught from a hacked-together project-based learning experience. I had no idea how the internet actually worked, what HTTP was, what a browser did, or how to use any developer tools. In addition to giving me factual knowledge on networking, servers, and security, this course has also developed in me a sense of legitimacy and confidence (in searching for answers, anyway, if not knowing them).

Most important thing learned

Security. Part of the reason I chose to take this course even though I had a fair amount of prior experience is because I knew absolutley nothing about security. I still feel like I've only scratched the surface, but I at least now have a light background and more resources to learn more.

Next steps

I've really enjoyed building user-facing parts of projects, and I want to get more into that. I've learned a lot this semester through this and another experience about accessibility in websites and other computer science fields. I think I want to explore accessibility in games, possibly in the way of audio games.