
Goreactor, trigger a message and execute commands

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Goreactor, trigger a message and execute commands

The current version just support inputs from AWS SQS, in next versions will support also HTTP/S and Redis QUEUES.


Substitutions in args entry in the config file

  • $.path.with[0].jq.format

    jq like format after $. See Usage case, message from SQS for an example

  • $.path.to.array...

    If the jq like expression (Starting with $.) is the only text in the argument and ends with ... See examples/ARRAY.md for an example

    will expand the array in the specified path in different arguments.

    The use of this will replace the argument with N arguments where N is the number of elements in the array.

    NOTE: Should be the only text in the given argument element on the array.

  • ${variableName}

    Variables will be substituted in the arguments if the variable is in the following list. (This can also come from an expanded array)

    NOTE: Variables are case sensitive and curly brackets are mandatory

    Currently, we have the following variables:

    • CreationTimestampMilliseconds is the message creation time with in milliseconds
    • CreationTimestampSeconds is the message creation time in seconds See examples/ARRAY.md for an example

Log outputs to stdout or firehose

You can set logging to stdout with

logstream = "stdout"

You can set logging to firehose with

logstream = "firehose"
streamname = "example-goreactor-logs"
region = "eu-west-1"

You can disable logging if you leave logstream empty or set to none. Or not defining logstream at all

logstream = ""
logstream = "none"

The output will be a json per output line with the following format:

{"Host":"RUNNER_HOSTNAME","Pid":44274,"RID":1,"TID":1,"Line":0,"Output":"./print_some_lines_and_exit ","Status":"CMD","Timestamp":1635149955}
{"Host":"RUNNER_HOSTNAME","Pid":44274,"RID":1,"TID":1,"Line":1,"Output":"first line","Status":"RUN","Timestamp":1635149955}
{"Host":"RUNNER_HOSTNAME","Pid":44274,"RID":1,"TID":1,"Line":2,"Output":"second line","Status":"RUN","Timestamp":1635149955}
{"Host":"RUNNER_HOSTNAME","Pid":44274,"RID":1,"TID":1,"Line":3,"Output":"last line","Status":"RUN","Timestamp":1635149955}

Set working directory

The working directory of the process can be set with workingDirectory.

Execute as a specific user

It may be desired to execute some commands as a specific user.

NOTE: that this only works in unix or unix like systems and have only been tested in linux. In other OS, this will be ignored.

In order to do so, each [[reactor]] entry may have a user value defined with the desired user. The env will be empty (only containing the HOME - which can be overridden) unless you specify it in a env section that will only be used if user is defined.

# (...) All the desired values
user = "john"
env = [

This would run the reactor using john user and 2 environ: HOME set to the home defined for the john user, PATH defined to "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" and AWS_PROFILE set to "stage"


Usage case, message from SQS

In the next example, we will run a command after receiving a message from SQS, the message received will look like the JSON below

Message received from SQS

    "Progress": 50,
    "AccountId": "9999999999",
    "Description": "Launching EC2 instance: i-00000009999",
    "RequestId": "5f88cdf3-311c-4d61-bdec-0000000000",
    "EndTime": "2018-04-18T14:17:22.779Z",
    "AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:eu-west-1:9999999999:autoScalingGroup:0b35d38a-8270-45d0-a0d8-0000000000:autoScalingGroupName/SOMEGROUPNAME",
    "ActivityId": "5f88cdf3-311c-4d61-bdec-0000000000",
    "StartTime": "2018-04-18T14:16:26.804Z",
    "Service": "AWS Auto Scaling",
    "Time": "2018-04-18T14:17:22.779Z",
    "EC2InstanceId": "i-00000009999", // <--- We read this
    "StatusCode": "InProgress",
    "StatusMessage": "",
    "Details": {
        "Subnet ID": "subnet-XXXXXXXX",
        "Availability Zone": "eu-west-1a"
    "AutoScalingGroupName": "SOMEGROUPNAME", // <--- We read this
    "Cause": "At 2018-04-18T14:16:21Z a user request update of AutoScalingGroup constraints to min: 1, max: 5, desired: 3 changing the desired capacity from 2 to 3....",
    "Event": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH" // <--- We read this, as condition

Configuration in go reactor

In the goreactor, we are ready to listen to messages and execute the command.

Please put attention in the "cond" parameter (is a condition, like an "if"). This means that the command will be executed JUST if we can find "Event = autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH" in the JSON. If this key is not there or the value is not what we defined, then goreactor will ignore the message

logfile = "/var/log/goreactor.log"

concurrent = 10
delay = "5s"
input = "sqs"
url = "https://sqs.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9999999999/testing"
profile = "default"
region = "eu-west-1"
maxNumberOfMessages = 10
output = "cmd"
cond = [
    { "$.Event" = "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH" }
cmd = "/usr/local/bin/do-something-with-the-instance"
args = ["asg=$.AutoScalingGroupName", "instance_id=$.EC2InstanceId"]
argsjson = true
workingDirectory = "/path/to/process/wd/"

The daemon will execute a command like

/usr/local/bin/do-something-with-the instance asg=SOMEGROUPNAME instance_id=i-00000009999