
Improvement of the LaserTagger model for text summarization.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Text Summarization based on LaserTagger

Based on a text-editing model called LaserTagger, this project aims to train a machine learning model that rewrites short sentences and phrases to a more concise form.

The application of this project includes:

  • Creative suggestion: When the creatives provided by the customers or the suggested creatives from existing models exceed word limit, this model can provide an automatic summary of the text.
  • Keyword/category clustering: This model can generate a shorter version for each category and keyword, and cluster those with the same shortened version together.

The LaserTagger model is developed and trained by Google Research, which transforms a source text into a target text by predicting a sequence of token-level edit operations. The goal of this project is to improve the performance of this model specifically for the short-sentence-and-phrase summarization task.

Our improvement of the model includes adding part-of-speech (POS) tags to BERT embeddings (which involves pre-training BERT with POS tags), customizing loss function and loss weights, applying masks, and hyperparameter tuning.

To address the lack of grammar evaluation in existing performance metrics for text summarization, we designed and trained a grammar checker. We provide the code and instructions for training the grammar checker.

The end-to-end process of this model can be deployed on Google Cloud Platform, where the web interface accepts a text input, and returns its summarized version along with a grammar rating of the summary. The code for the deployment is also provided.

Modified LaserTagger

The modified LaserTagger is built on Python 3, Tensorflow and BERT. It works with CPU, GPU, and Cloud TPU. In addition to improving the model performance, we also provide code to streamline the training and exporting process, and making predictions faster by running inferences in batches.

The LaserTagger model uses BERT as the encoder. There are pre-trained BERT models online, but adding part-of-speech (POS) tags to the embeddings involves retraining the BERT model. We provide two pretrained BERT models trained on the OpenSubtitles dataset. The BERT model with POS tags can be found at gs://bert_traning_yechen/trained_bert_uncased/bert_POS. The BERT model with POS-concise tags can be found at gs://bert_traning_yechen/trained_bert_uncased/bert_POS_concise. If you plan to use "Normal" embeddings or "Sentence" embeddings which do not include POS tags, you can download a pretrained BERT model from the official repository. You can use either the 12-layer ''BERT-Base, Cased'' model or the 12-layer ''BERT-Base, Uncased'' model.

Usage Instructions

1. Data Preprocessing

The dataset we train the model on is the Microsoft Abstractive Text Compression Dataset (MSF dataset). To preprocess the dataset, and split to train, tune, and test set, run the following command

python preprocess_MS_dataset_main.py path/to/raw/data num_of_tuning num_of_testing

where we use 3,000 samples for tuning and 3,000 samples for testing in the project. The preprocessed and split dataset will be saved in three tsv files named train_MS_dataset, tune_MS_dataset, and tune_MS_dataset for training, tuning, and testing set respectively.

We also provide preprocessing scripts for three other datasets: news summary dataset, Google sentence compression dataset, and reddit_tifu dataset. See preprocess_news_dataset_main.py, preprocess_google_dataset_main.py, and preprocess_reddit_dataset_main.py for code and instructions.

The preprocessing script also computes basic statistics of the dataset. A sample output when preprocessing the MSF dataset is

Number of samples is 26119
Total number of excluded sample is 304
Average word count of original sentence is 32.08 ( std: 10.79 )
Max word count is 145
Min word count is 7
Average word count of shortened sentence is 22.28 ( std: 8.54 )
Max Length is 108
Min Length is 3
On average, there are 1.00 sentences in each original text ( std: 0.00 )
On average, there are 1.91 words in each shortened sentence that are not in the original sentence. ( std: 3.76 )
The average compression ratio is 0.70 ( std: 0.19 )

2. Training & Export

This streamlined process covers the steps of phrase vocabulary optimization, preparing data for training, model training, and model export. The script is designed for training on the Google Cloud Platform. Before running the script, there are several prerequisites:

  • Create or have access to a Google Storage Bucket. Currently, the GCP bucket path is set to gs://trained_models_yechen/. If you create another bucket, change the path by changing the GCP_BUCKET variable in streamline_training.py.
  • Set up a virtual machine to run the script on. Follow this guide to set up a virtual machine on GCP.
  • If you plan to train with a Cloud TPU, follow this guide to set up a TPU on GCP. Make sure that your TPU has the same name as your VM.
  • Download the pre-trained BERT model from sources suggested above. To copy a folder in the GCP bucket to your virtual machine, use the gsutil cp command.

After satisfying the prerequisites, you can run the streamline script streamline_training.py. The usage is

python streamline_training.py \
[-vocab_size VOCAB_SIZE] [-train_batch_size TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE] \
[-learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [-num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS] \
[-warmup_proportion WARMUP_PROPORTION] \
[-max_input_examples MAX_INPUT_EXAMPLES] \
[-train] [-export] \
[-use_tpu] [-gbucket GBUCKET] \
[-t2t T2T] [-number_layer NUMBER_LAYER] \
[-hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE] [-num_attention_head NUM_ATTENTION_HEAD] \
[-filter_size FILTER_SIZE] [-full_attention FULL_ATTENTION] \
[-add_tag_loss_weight ADD_TAG_LOSS_WEIGHT] \
[-delete_tag_loss_weight DELETE_TAG_LOSS_WEIGHT] \
[-keep_tag_loss_weight KEEP_TAG_LOSS_WEIGHT] \
model/output/dir abs/path/to/lasertagger abs/path/to/bert \
path/to/training/file path/to/tuning/file \

The positional arguments are:

  • model/output/dir: the directory of the model output
  • abs/path/to/lasertagger: absolute path to the folder where the lasertagger scripts are located
  • abs/path/to/bert: absolute path to the folder where the pretrained BERT is located
  • path/to/training/file: path to training samples
  • path/to/tuning/file: path to tuning samples
  • embedding_type: type of embedding. Must be one of [Normal, POS, POS_ concise, Sentence]. Normal: segment id is all zero. POS: part of speech tagging. POS_concise: POS tagging with a smaller set of tags. Sentence: sentence tagging.

The general optional arguments are:

  • -train: if added, skip preprocessing and start training.
  • -export: if added, skip preprocessing and training, and start exporting to bucket.

The optional arguments relevant to the data preprocessing step are:

  • -vocab_size VOCAB_SIZE: the size of the vocabulary for the adding tag. default = 500
  • -max_input_examples MAX_INPUT_EXAMPLES: number of training examples to use in the vocab optimization. default is all training data
  • -masking: if added, numbers and symbols will be masked. All numbers are replaced with the [NUMBER] token, and all special characters other than ., !, ?, ;, and , are replaced with the [SYMBOL] token.

The optional arguments relevant to the training step are:

  • -train_batch_size TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE: batch size during training. default = 32
  • -learning_rate LEARNING_RATE: the initial learning rate for Adam. default = 3e-5
  • -num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS: total number of training epochs to perform. default = 3
  • -warmup_proportion WARMUP_PROPORTION: proportion of training to perform linear learning rate warmup for. default = 0.1
  • -use_tpu: if added, will use cloud TPU for training.
  • -gbucket GBUCKET: the gcp bucket where the cloud TPU will store intermediary outputs to.
  • -verb_deletion_loss VERB_DELETION_LOSS: the weight of verb deletion loss. Need to be >= 0. default=0. Cannot be set to a number other than 0 unless the embedding_type is POS or POS_concise. -add_tag_loss_weight ADD_TAG_LOSS_WEIGHT: the weight of loss for adding tags. default=1 -delete_tag_loss_weight DELETE_TAG_LOSS_WEIGHT: the weight of loss for deleting tags. default=1 -keep_tag_loss_weight KEEP_TAG_LOSS_WEIGHT: the weight of loss for keeping tags. default=1

The optional arguments relevant to the model architecture are:

  • -t2t T2T: if True, use autoregressive version of LaserTagger. If false, use, feed-forward version of LaserTagger. default = True
  • -number_layer NUMBER_LAYER: number of hidden layers in the decoder. default = 1
  • -hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE: the size of the hidden layer size in the decoder. default=768
  • -num_attention_head NUM_ATTENTION_HEAD: the number of attention heads in the decoder. default=4
  • -filter_size FILTER_SIZE: the size of the filter in the decoder. default = 3072
  • -full_attention FULL_ATTENTION: whether to use full attention in the decoder. default = False

The trained and exported model will be saved at the local directory specified by model/output/dir and in the GCP bucket in a folder whose name is the last folder name of model/output/dir. Currently, the GCP bucket is set to be gs://trained_models_yechen/. If you would like to save to another bucket, change the GCP_BUCKET variable in streamline_training.py.

3. Prediction

The custom_predict.py runs prediction on input and computes SARI score and exact score if applicable. The usage is

python custom_predict.py [-score] \ 
path/to/input/file path/to/lasertagger path/to/bert \
models [models ...] \

The positional arguments are:

  • path/to/input/file: the path to the tsv file with inputs. If the scores do not need to be computed, the tsv should have one column which contains the inputs. If scores need to be computed, then the tsv file needs to have two columns, with the first column being the inputs and the second column being the targets.
  • path/to/lasertagger: path to the folder where the lasertagger scripts are located
  • path/to/bert: path to the folder where the pretrained BERT is located abs_path_to_lasertagger
  • models: the name of trained LaserTagger models. Need to provided at least one model name. The model name should be the folder name of the LaserTagger model in the GCP bucket.
  • embedding_type: type of embedding. Must be one of [Normal, POS, POS_concise, Sentence].

optional arguments:

  • -score: if added, compute scores for the predictions.
  • -grammar: if added, automatically apply grammar correction on predictions using LanguageTool.
  • -masking: if added, numbers and symbols will be masked.
  • -batch_size: the batch size of prediction. default=1

If you add the -grammar tag for automatic grammar correction, you need to install the LanguageTool using following commands:

pip install 3to2
sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jre
pip install language-tool-python

All predictions are written to a tsv file named pred.tsv. The first column is the original input. The last column is the targets if targets are provided. All other columns are predictions from different models specified by the models arguments. If the -score tag is added, another tsv file named score.tsv will also be generated. This file contains six rows. The first row is the model names; the second row is the exact scores; the third row is the SARI score; the fourth to sixth row are the keep, addition, and delete scores (of the SARI score). Each column corresponds to the scores of a model.

Grammar & Meaning Preservation Checker

There is a lack of grammar evaluations in the existing text summarization metrics. Therefore, we design a model that can classify a text as grammatically correct or incorrect. Follow the instructions in classifier to preprocess the MSF dataset, train the model, and make predictions. This model can also be used for checking whether a summary preserves the most important meaning in the source text.

Deployment to Google Cloud Platform

The LaserTagger model can be deployed on GCP with a web interface. The process involves three main steps: 1. exporting the LaserTagger to a format acceptable to the GCP AI platform, 2. deploying the model to AI platform, and 3. deploying the web application to the GCP App Engine.

1. Re-export the LaserTagger Model

The GCP app engine only accepts exported model with one metagraph. However, if the model is trained on GPU or TPU, the exported version from above very likely contains more than one metagraph. To re-export the model, run the export_model_for_gcp.py in the GCP_deploy folder.

python run the export_model_for_gcp.py exported/model/dir output/dir

The exported/model/dir is the path to a folder containing an exported LaserTagger model. The output/dir specified where you would like the re-exported model to be saved. After re-exporting the model, check that the model indeed only has one metagraph by running the following command:

saved_model_cli show --dir=output/dir --all

You should only see one signature_def['serving_default'] in the output.

2. Deploy to GCP AI Platform

First, use the gsutil cp command to copy the exported LaserTagger model to a GCP bucket. Then, create a model on the AI platform by running:

export MODEL_NAME=lasertagger
gcloud ai-platform models create $MODEL_NAME --enable-logging

Then, run the following commands to deploy the exported model as a new version:

export MODEL_DIR=path/to/model/in/GCP/bucket
export VERSION_NAME=version_name
gcloud beta ai-platform versions create $VERSION_NAME \
--model $MODEL_NAME \
--origin $MODEL_DIR \
--runtime-version=1.15 \
--framework $FRAMEWORK --python-version=3.7 \
--accelerator=count=4,type=nvidia-tesla-v100 \

Later, we can send our inputs as a json object to this deployed model, and inferences will be made by the AI platform on a virtual machine with 4 GPUs, which can significantly decrease the inference time.

3. Build the Web Application on GCP App Engine

Open a shell terminal in the GCP console. Use git clone to copy the repository to the shell terminal. In addition, copy the following files and folders in the lasertagger folder to the gcp_deploy folder: bert, bert_example.py, custom_utils.py, tagging.py, tagging_converter.py, and utils.py. Then running the following to deploy the web app:

cd gcp_deploy
gcloud app deploy

This deployment will take a few minutes. After it is successfully built, run gcloud app browse to find the link to the web page.


Apache 2.0; see LICENSE for details.


This is not an officially supported Google product.