
Small challenge to create React-like functionality using only JS, Lodash and jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The challenge for this particular project was to take a set of JSON data (from a spoofed REST API call) that consisted of several action steps, display it, and add additional functionality, which included persisting text field changes, displaying related steps, adding and subtracting assigned users to steps, all the while rerendering the DOM after each change and only using vanilla JS and helper libraries. The goal was to design and implement something in a matter of a couple days.


Please ensure you have npm or yarn installed and run npm install or yarn install to install all required dependencies.

To run, enter npm start and navigate to localhost:3000 to see the app. Please use the latest Chrome browser as well as this repo relies on the native implementation of module bundling found in the most current browsers (so no IE :-)).

Thank you.