
A nodejs script that allows you to watch a folder for changes and compile the less css files into another folder.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dead Simple LESS Watch Compiler

A nodejs script that allows you to watch a folder for changes and compile the less css files into another folder.

Always give credit where it's due. Parts of this script is modified from Mikeal Rogers's watch script (https://github.com/mikeal/watch)

###Prerequisites Install LESS (http://www.lesscss.org/) and make sure the lessc binary is accessible to the script. Installing LESS with the --global flag will make the binary accessible to your system.

npm install less --global


node less-watch-compiler.js FOLDER_TO_WATCH FOLDER_TO_OUTPUT

###Example "node less-watch-compiler.js less css" will watch the ./less folder and compile the LESS CSS files into ./css when they are added/changed.

  • This script only compiles files with .less extension. More file extensions can be added by modifying the allowedExtensions array.

  • Files that start with underscores _style.css or period .style.css are ignored. This behavior can be changed in the filterFiles() function.

  • Github location: https://github.com/jonycheung/Dead-Simple-LESS-Watch-Compiler