
A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. We are using Graphql server and relay for our react component data needs.

Primary LanguageRuby

WIP: Demo blog application powered by Rails, react, graphql and Relay.

This blog is an exploration excerise to understand two new technologies - GraphQL and Relay. We are using standard rails application together with npm for handling front-end dependencies.

It's a work in progress and this repository will update as we move further with this application. The intention is to explore the integration to stage where we can get a clear understanding about these two new technologies and how they might fit in a real world application and framework.


Currently, the application supports reading and creating data from and on server.


  1. Introduction: https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-getting-started-955a49d251de
  2. Part1: https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-creating-types-and-schema-b3f9b232ccfc#.6micmekh2
  3. Part2: https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-first-relay-powered-react-component-cb3f9ee95eca#.ssisfzsm0
  4. Part3: https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-dynamic-component-rendering-2be4e208ef92#.gvw5kevg1
  5. Part4 https://medium.com/@gauravtiwari/graphql-and-relay-on-rails-authentication-and-authorisation-f7c07ebb47b3#.2y1h14x2p

Current features

  • List posts
  • List comments of the posts
  • Infinite Scroll - posts and comments
  • Show author info, votes and comments count
  • Live Query editor to run graphql queries
  • Mutations to create comments and votes

Demo Links


  • Facebook Relay: Official relay docs
  • GraphQL: Official GraphQL spec
  • graphql-ruby & graphql-relay-ruby: For defining GraphQL schema and Relay implementation in Ruby GraphQL classes, and getting Rails to speak GraphQL.
  • browserify-rails: Command-line options required to do transpilation, e.g., —plugin, etc.


Running locally

To run the application, please just clone the repo and run it like so:

git clone git@github.com:gauravtiwari/relay-rails-blog.git
cd relay-rails-blog
npm install
./start (from terminal). If you get permission error, just do chmod 777 start