Lightstreams is a distributed content publishing network. What makes Lightstreams unique is its authorisation protocol that allows owners of smart contracts to consent to others to access confidential or copyright data.
For now, a docker image has been created as the easiest way to run the lightstream client, with all the environment settings setup for you. If you don't have Docker installed on your machine follow these instructions here.
Then run the following command:
$ docker run -d --name device-1 -p 3001:3001 -e LOCALHOST="" autocontracts/lightstreams-client:v2
$ docker exec -it device-1 lightstreams-client run
This will host the lightstreams-client on port 3001, and IPFS on ports 4001, 5001. Make sure that you do not have a firewall blocking these ports and they are open.
To clean up:
$ docker stop device-1
$ docker rm device-1
If you want to create another docker container running on the same machine to test selling content to another device, then:
$ docker run -d --name device-2 -p 3002:3002 -e LOCALHOST="" autocontracts/lightstreams-client:v2
$ docker exec -it device-2 lightstreams-client run
To clean up:
$ docker stop device-2
$ docker rm device-2
Lightstreams uses the following clients for managing the Lightstreams blockchain
- Ethermint - Is based on a folk of the Go-Ethereum (Geth) client
- Tendermint - A consensus engine that used PoA instead of PoW
Build from source the following versions
- Ethermint (0.5.3)
- Tendermint (0.12.0)
Ensure you are using go 1.8.3
$ go get -u -d
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git reset --hard b72a1eef6edca2e8dfe03296fc665de025a5ae78
$ make install
$ go get -u
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git reset --hard e236302256b8b0b75441e8e44c6d0d3f5b5152c6
$ go install ./cmd/tendermint
Clone lightstreams
$ git clone
$ cd lightstreams
Make a directory for the Lightstreams and copy genesis
$ mkdir -p ~/.lightstreams/tendermint
$ cp config/tendermint/genesis.json ~/.lightstreams/tendermint
Initialise Ethermint
$ ethermint --datadir ~/.lightstreams init config/ethereum/genesis.json
Run Tendermint
$ tendermint --home ~/.lightstreams/tendermint node --p2p.seeds ',,'
In another console window, run ethermint
$ ethermint --datadir ~/.lightstreams
$ geth attach http://localhost:8545