A fast way to get started with the Google Maps Android API v2.
- Google Play Services, revision 7
- Android Support Library, revision 13
Java Development Kit (JDK) Download
Android SDK Download
Eclipse is packaged with the Android Developer Tools bundle
- Choose File> Import...
- Choose Android > Existing Android Code Into Workspace
- Navigate to the checked out project
- You should see two projects - "hellomap" and "google-play-services_lib".
- Ensure both are selected
- Press "Finish"
- Navigate to AndroidManifest.xml, under the "hellomap" project.
- Click the "AndroidManifest.xml" tab, next to "Instrumentation", to see the XML view.
- Replace "your_api_key" with an API key generated using these instructions
- Ensure your phone is in plugged in, developer mode enabled and screen unlocked
- Press the green arrow, or choose Run>Run
Follow the instructions under "Add your API key" and try again.
- Choose Window>Close All Perspectives
- Choose Window>Open Perspective>Other...
- Choose Java
http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/ Choose the "Community Edition"
- In the start up screen, choose "Open project"
- Select the checked out project, press OK
- Navigate to the AndroidManifest.xml file
- Replace "your_api_key" with an API key generated using these instructions
- Ensure your phone is in plugged in, developer mode enabled and screen unlocked
- Choose Run>Edit Configurations...
- Press the + button
- Click "Android Application"
- Edit the name
- Choose "hellomap" as the Module
- Choose "USB Device" as your Target Device
- Press OK
- Press the green play button next to the name you specified. This will build the app, install it on the device and run it.
- Click "New..."
- Choose "Android SDK"
- Navigate to the Android SDK's "sdk" directory, press "Choose"
- Click "New..."
- Choose "JDK"
- Navigate to the JDK's home directory. For OS X, this is at
- Press "Choose"
- If you are prompted with "Set up created SDK on project?", press No.
- Follow the instructions above
- If you are prompted with "Set up created SDK on project?", press Yes.
Follow the instructions under "Add your API key" and try again.