
CSVs of the CrunchBase Data Export


This data was extracted from the CrunchBase January 2015 dump. Read more at: http://info.crunchbase.com/about/crunchbase-data-exports/

By using this data, you agree to follow the CrunchBase Terms of Service and Licensing Policy.



Included in this repository are CSV exports of the individual worksheets from the Crunchbase Data Export using Excel 2011 Mac.

I dropped removed the analysis pages, removed repeated date columns (month, quarter) and applied consistent date formatting to allow pre-1900 founding dates.

I hope whomever creates these data dumps spends their days crying alone because the pain they cause anyone downstream. It's great to have a data dump, but perhaps a format that supports dates pre-1900, doesn't exports numbers as strings (who doesn't love pretty commas in their numbers) and won't include 20k blank rows and empty columns in an export. Oh yeah, and leading spaces in a text column can't blame that on Excel? Get your shit together. Make a machine readable csv, json or (gasp!) SQL-ready dump and people will be much happier.

Until then, I'll keep hand massaging these dumps as required.