
by Galvin Widjaja

Journey through the course.


Takeaway: The audience = the point of view = the narrator ---> The Narrative


  • Braid: Mechanics is emotional


Art =/= Design


  • People Page: First Programming exercise since making livejournal brown and enterprise software
  • We Among Us: Javascripting a platform, because platforms are ant farms with humans as ants and humans are interesting
  • Aiutare: Sharing Community platform, because sharing people are even more interesting.
  • Tranquility Systems: Nearables are awesome when you're a nearable too

The imagination is bounded by the fence of capability. Capability is a technical skill by definition, it is just not bounded by plexiglass. As such it became impractical to continue to original tranquility systems project as it was dependent for a far greater capability than I had.


There are none except possibly the dominant medium of transmitting the emotion or story to the audience

Installation for Ionic Projects

$ npm i -g ionic cordova
$ ionic start todo blank
$ git clone https://github.com/galvinw/We-Among-Us.git 
$ or
$ git clone https://github.com/galvinw/Aiutare.git
$ ionic platform add ios //only for macs
$ ionic platform add android  //required adb
$ ionic serve