
A custom Scrollview for Meteor's famous-views.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

InfiniteScrollview - with added support for async data

NOTE: Famo.us > 0.3.0 is required for this plugin to function properly.

This is JonnyBGod's Famo.us plugin implemented for Meteor to work with famous-views and mjn:famous or raix:famono (using > 0.3.0 libs).

DEMO: Infinite Random Users


{{#InfiniteScrollview offset=500 callback='getUsers'}}
  {{#famousEach users}}


  • offset: distance in px from the bottom of the viewport, executes a callback function
  • callback: global function defined by the user to be called when the offset is reached

Callback (Example 1 - HTTP Request: Request more data on callback):

// Callback Function
getUsers = function (count) {
  HTTP.get('http://api.randomuser.me/?results=20', function (error, result) {
    if (! error)
      Session.set('users', $.merge(Session.get('users'), result.data.results));

    // IMPORTANT: always call after you add any data to your scrollview (takes care of the async aspect)
    Session.set('isLoading', false);

Callback (Example 2 - Reactive Cursor & Subscription: Using a limit for your subscription aswell as a cursor within a helper):

// Publication
Meteor.publish("users", limit, function () {
  return Users.find({}, { sort: { name: 1 }, limit: limit });


// Subscription
Meteor.subscribe('users', Session.get('userLimit'))


// Helper
  users: function () {
    return Users.find({}, { sort: { name: 1 }, limit: Session.get('userLimit') });


// Callback Function
getUsers = function (count) {
  // Set extra as the number of additional elements to load on each callback;
  var extra = 20;
  Session.set('userLimit', count + 20)

  // IMPORTANT: always call after you add any data to your scrollview
  Session.set('isLoading', false);

count: provides the current number of children within the scroller;