Have consistent (themeable) styles from TWBS with jQuery UI components.
This project contains a functional demo with generated themes.
Just clone this repo anywhere to your machine and browse the demo folder, to see how its used. If you want to use it standalone make sure you also clone twbs.
Goal for this branch is to make all jQUeryUI widgets use glyphicons and follow, whatever bootstrap theme used, in your project.
@import "../bootstrap/less/bootstrap";
@import "../less/jquery.ui.less";
@import "themes/variables_cerulean";
@import "themes/bootswatch_cerulean";
@import "demovars.less";
The demo only contains generated css (beside the demo-less files). The themes are downloaded here: http://bootswatch.com/yeti/.
the translation of the bootstrap vars should be done in jquery.ui.variables.less
For build demo demo.css
you chould exec.
bower install
npm install
grunt watch