
actualized SypexGeo script

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Actualized library from https://sypexgeo.net/ru/.

  • composer
  • PSR-2
  • PSR-4
  • throw instead of die
  • tests


composer require sypex/geo

Download Database file

wget https://sypexgeo.net/files/SxGeoCountry.zip
unzip SxGeoCountry.zip
rm SxGeoCountry.zip

wget https://sypexgeo.net/files/SxGeoCity_utf8.zip
unzip SxGeoCity_utf8.zip
rm SxGeoCity_utf8.zip


$filepath = 'SxGeo.dat';
$geo = new Geo($filepath); // by default SxGeo.dat
$geo = new SxGeo($filepath, Mode::BATCH | Mode::MEMORY); // the fastest way

// Get country (SxGeo Country)
// 2-letter ISO code of country
$country = $geo->getCountry($ip);
// number of country

// get city (SxGeo City, SxGeo City Max)
// short information, without region name, country and timezone
// full city information
// calls getCountry or getCity depending on the type of base
$city = $geo->get($ip);

// free resource