Parameter view is not visible for some models
lesquoyb opened this issue · 1 comments
lesquoyb commented
Describe the bug
On the current git version, when opening some models I only have an empty parameter view even with some parameters defined. To have it appear I have to close the view and open it again:
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- run this model:
* Name: spatialoperators
* Based on the internal empty template.
* Author: Tri
* Tags:
model spatialoperators
int font_size <- 16;
font my_font <- font("Helvetica", font_size , #plain);
float scale <- 0.8;
list<string> operator_list <- ["covers","overlaps","partially_overlaps","crosses","intersects","touches"];
map<string,map<list<form>,bool>> relations;
string current_operator <- first(operator_list);
map<string,float> color_shift <- ["pink"::6.4,"cyan"::7.5,"yellow"::9.8,"green"::9,"purple"::9.8,"red"::5];
map<string,float> name_shift <- ["covers"::10.6,"overlaps"::13.4,"partially_overlaps"::27.4,"crosses"::12.5,
map<string,float> frame_width <- ["covers"::0.0,"overlaps"::0,"partially_overlaps"::0,"crosses"::0,
float space_shift <- 1.6;
geometry shape <- polygon([{0,0},{0,100},{150,100},{150,0}]);
create form{
shape <- rectangle(140,90);
location <- {75,50};
color <- #pink;
name <- "pink";
create form{
shape <- rectangle(20,40);
location <- {100,50};
color <- #cyan;
name <- "cyan";
create form{
shape <- circle(8);
location <- {110,30};
color <- #yellow;
name <- "yellow";
create form{
shape <- triangle(14,40) rotated_by(75);
location <- {90,60};
color <- rgb(150,209,69);
name <- "green";
create form{
shape <- square(10);
location <- {115,75};
color <- #purple;
name <- "purple";
create form{
shape <- polyline([{70,30},{110,70}]);
// location <- {115,75};
color <- #red;
name <- "red";
create legend;
loop op over: operator_list{
map<list<form>,bool> op_map;
float width;
loop f1 over: form{
loop f2 over: form-f1{
switch op{
match "covers" {put covers(f1,f2) key: [f1,f2] in: op_map;}
match "overlaps" {put overlaps(f1,f2) key: [f1,f2] in: op_map;}
match "partially_overlaps" {put partially_overlaps(f1,f2) key: [f1,f2] in: op_map;}
match "crosses" {put overlaps(f1,f2) key: [f1,f2] in: op_map;}
match "intersects" {put intersects(f1,f2) key: [f1,f2] in: op_map;}
match "touches" {put touches(f1,f2) key: [f1,f2] in: op_map;}
put op_map at: op in: relations;
do reset_width;
action reset_width{
frame_width <- ["covers"::0.0,"overlaps"::0,"partially_overlaps"::0,"crosses"::0, "intersects"::0,"touches"::0];
loop op over: operator_list{
float width;
loop f1 over: form{
loop f2 over: form-f1{
if relations[op][[f1,f2]] {
width <- max(width,(name_shift[op]+color_shift[]+color_shift[]+2*space_shift)*scale);
put width at: op in: frame_width;
species legend{
rgb color;
point size <-{40,60};
point window_top_left_corner <-{10,10};
float frame_margin <- 2.5;
float vert_shift <- 4.0;
point shift_ini <- window_top_left_corner;
list<form> forms;
string name;
aspect default{
size <- {frame_width[current_operator]+2*frame_margin,scale*vert_shift*length(relations[current_operator] where each)+2*frame_margin-font_size/8*scale};
draw rectangle(size) at:size/2+window_top_left_corner color: rgb(113,98,85);
point shift <- shift_ini+{frame_margin,frame_margin+font_size/8*scale};
loop k over: relations[current_operator].keys{
if relations[current_operator][k] {
draw k[0].name at: shift color: k[0].color font: my_font;
draw current_operator at: shift+{(color_shift[k[0].name]+space_shift)*scale,0} color:#white font: my_font;
draw k[1].name at: shift+{(color_shift[k[0].name]+name_shift[current_operator]+2*space_shift)*scale,0} color: k[1].color font: my_font;
shift <- shift + {0,vert_shift}*scale;
species form{
rgb color;
string name;
aspect default{
draw shape color: color;
experiment essai type: gui {
parameter "Operator" var: current_operator among: operator_list on_change: {do update_outputs();};
parameter "Font scale" var: scale min:0.0 max: 10.0 on_change: {ask world {do reset_width;} do update_outputs();};
output {
display "Forms" type: 2d toolbar: false{
species form;
species legend aspect: default;
- Observe the absence of parameters in the parameter view
- close the parameter view by clicking on
in theViews
menu - Open it again by clicking on
in theViews
menu - see the parameters
Additional context
It works properly on most models I tried, only this one have that issue
AlexisDrogoul commented
Problem was due to the fact that the list of labels was not declared as const: true
. I've relaxed a bit the constraint ... (and corrected a bug responsible for the no-show).