
Authorship attribution: it uses the mean of 4 distance measures (perplexity, kullbackleibler, ranking, and cosine) to compute the distance between the text of an unknown author and the texts of known authors

Primary LanguagePerl

Autoria: Authorship attribution

Pablo Gamallo, Miguel Cavadas (CiTIUS, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)


It uses the mean of 4 distance measures (perplexity, kullbackleibler, ranking, and cosine) to compute the distance between the text of an unknown author and the texts of known authors


  • Linux, Bash, Perl
  • Perl module: Math::KullbackLeibler::Discrete Alberto Simões.

How to use:

sh run.sh Desconocido_ElburladordeSevilla.txt

The final results are in the file mean/mean.txt.

The input texts are in directory corpus/all