
Compositional Machine Translation

Primary LanguagePerl

Compositional Machine Translation (compMT)


  • Dancer2: http://perldancer.org/

  • Change the PATH of the main folders (lib, parser, dicos, stFiles) in config.yml file

  • If you wish to use the resources files built from Wikipedia, download the files in ST format from this link, and copy them in ./compmtAPI/lib/resources/. Otherwise, you can use the ST files included in the current github repository which were trained with a small Wikipedia sample.

Resources included in the repository

  • Golden dataset for evaluation: 1119 english sentences containing phrasal verbs, with their Spanish translations, including the corresponding Spanish verb, are available in: compmtAPI/lib/resources/golden-en-es.csv

  • Bilingual dictionary: an English-Spanish dictionary, including more than 3K phrasal verbs is in compMT/lib/compMT/dicos/dictionary-en-es.txt

How to use

  • Mount the Dancer service: ./compmtAPI/main.perl

  • Translate a sentence:

curl "http://localhost:4000/translate/the%20man%20blew%20off%20the%20party"

  • You can also validate the bilingual model using the 1119 examples of the gold standard this way:

curl "http://localhost:4000/validate/golden"

This creates the validation file: ./compmtAPI/lib/resources/validation/golden_validated