
Validade and sanitize object schemas

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Dependencies Status Gittip

NPM Status


Schemator is a schema validation and sanitization tool, builded from ground up to support asynchronous validation and sanitization methods.

With Schemator, you can validate reCaptcha's input data, verify if the specific file exists or even call your database and validade the user's input data against your stored data.


Schemator is easy to use, all you need to do is to build an object with all keys that you would like to validade in the original object, just like this:

var Schemator = require('schemator');

// Remember to add the 'type' validation method in every key that needs validation,
// that's how Schemator knows what key needs validation and what key doesn't.
var schema = new Schemator({
    name : {
        type: ['string', 'Your name must be a string.'],
        maxLength: [10, 'Your name must contain a maximum of 10 characters.'],
        minLength: [5, 'You name must contain a minimum of 5 characters.'],
        notEmpty: 'You must type your name.'
    address : {
        street : {
            type: ['string', 'Your street must be a string.'],
            notEmpty : 'You must type your street.'
        number : {
            type: ['number', 'Your street\'s number must be a number.'],
            notEmpty : 'You must type your street\'s number.',
            sanitize : {
                toString : true

// Time to validade against some data
var data = {
    name : 'Alan',
    address : {
        'street' : 'Beer Street'

schema.run(data, function(err, invalid, result){
        throw err; // some system error occurred

        console.log('You got invalid fields', invalid);

        console.log('Please write this to the database', result);

After this, you should get undefined on err param, also undefined in the result param and an array of errors in the invalid param, just like this:

    [['street', 'number'], 'type', 'Your street\'s number must be an integer'],
    [['street', 'number'], 'notEmpty', 'You must type your street\'s number.']

As you can see the invalid array consists in tree elements, first another array with the path to the invalid field, the name of the rule that had invalidated the path and the last one is the error message.


Those are all validators that you can use out of the box when installing Schemator:

  • type

    Validates the type of the received value, needs an string representing the type or an array with the name of the type and an error message. The type can be: string, array, object, number, boolean, any. Ex.:

    type : ['array', 'Your post\'s tags needs to be an array.']

    You may also pass more than one type, like this:

    type : [['object', 'array'], 'Your post\'s tags needs to be an array or an object']

  • minLength

    Validates the minimum length that a string or an array can have. The config must be a number representing de minimum length, or an array with a number and an error message. Ex.:

    minLength : [10, 'Your name must have at least 10 characters.']

  • maxLength

    Validates the maximum length that a string or an array can have. The config must be a number representing the maximum length or an array with a number and an error message. Ex.:

    minLength : [30, 'Your name must have a maximum of 10 characters.']

  • betweenLength

    Validates the maximum and minimum length that a string or an array can have. The config must be an array with a minimum number, maximum number and, optionally, an error message. Ex.:

    betweenLength : [8, 12, 'Your password must have between 8 and 12 characters.']

  • exactLength

    Validates the exact length that a string or an array must have. The config must be an number with the exact length or an array with a number and an error message. Ex.:

    exactLength : [8, 'Your postal code must have 8 characters.']

  • notEmpty

    An empty string, string with only spaces or linebreaks, empty [], undefined values, empty {}, are considered empty. The config must be true or an string with an error message. Ex.:

    notEmpty : 'Your must type something in your name.'

  • alpha

    Validate a string that need to have just alpha characters, case insensitive. Strings with spaces special characteres, numbers, spaces, etc, will fail in this test. The config must be true or a string with an error message. Ex.:

    alpha : 'Your username must contain just alpha characteres.'

  • alphanumeric

    Validate a string that need to have just letter and numbers, case insensitive. Strings with spaces special characteres, spaces, etc, will fail in this test. The config must be true or an string with an error message. Ex.:

    alphanumeric : 'Your secret code must contain only letter and numbers.'

  • digit

    Validate a string that need to have just numbers. Strings with spaces, special characteres, letters, etc, will fail in this test. The config must true or a string with an error message. Ex.:

    digit : 'Your postal code must contain only digits.'

  • min

    Validates the minimum value that a number can have. The config must be a number representing the minimum or an array with a number and a string as the error message. Ex.:

    min : [2, 'You must have at least 2 apples in your pockets.']

  • max

    Validates the maxium value that a number can have. The config must be a number representing the maximum value or an array with a number and an error message. Ex.:

    max : [5, 'You can have a maximum of 5 apples in your pokets.']

  • between

    A integer, decimal or a number must be between two values, including those two numbers. The config must be an array with a minimum number, maximum number and optionally, an error message. Ex.:

    between : [18, 74, 'Your age must be between 18 and 74.']

  • email

    Check if a string contains a valid e-mail address. The config must be true or a string with an error message. Ex.:

    email : 'You must type a valid e-mail address.'

  • regex

    Test a string agains a regular expression. The config must be a regex or an array with a regular expression and an error message. Ex.:

    regex : [/Jhon/, 'Your name must contain Jhon.']

  • equalTo

    Test if a key have the same value as another key in the object being validated. The config must contain the path to the other value in the form of dot notation (ex. 'deep.key.inside.the.object') or as an array (ex. ['deep', 'key', 'can.contain', 'dots']). You can also pass a custom error message, but the path MUST be represented as an array.

    equalTo : [['password_check'], 'The passwords didn\'t matched.']

  • notEqualTo

    Fails if a key have the same value as another key in the object being validated. The config must contain the path to the other value in the form of dot notation (ex. 'deep.key.inside.the.object') or as an array (ex. ['deep', 'key', 'can.contain', 'dots']). You can also pass a custom error message, but the path MUST be represented as an array.

    notEqualTo : ['surname', 'Your name and your surname must be different.']

  • inList

    Check if a key have an allowed value. The config must be an array of allowed values or an array with an array of allowed values as the first element and an error message. Ex.:

    inList : [['male', 'female'], 'You must choose male or female.']

  • notInList

    Check if a key have an allowed value. The config must be an array of unallowed values or an array with an array of unallowed values as the first element and an error message. Ex.:

    inList : [['admin', 'vip'], 'The selected group can\'t be VIP or admin.']

  • date

    Validate a string against a defined date/time pattern. The config must be an string containing the date patern or an array with a pattern as the first element and an error message. Ex.:

    date : ['YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', 'You must type a valid date, ex. 1989-09-14 18:35']

  • optional

    An empty string, string with only spaces or linebreaks, empty [], undefined values, empty {}, are considered empty and will not return any error. Ex.:

    optional : true

  • each

    Validates every item inside an array against an Schemator's schema. Ex.:

    books: {
        type : 'array',
        notEmpty : 'You must choose some books.',
        each : new Schemator({
            name : {
                type : ['string', 'Your book\'s name must be a string'],
                notEmpty : 'You must enter your book\'s name.'
            author : {
                type : ['string', 'The authors\'s name must be a string'],
                notEmpty : 'You must type the author\'s name.'
  • custom

    Create a custom validator, you need to pass a function as the config param. Ex.:

    custom : function(value, callback){
        if(value !== 'test')
            return callback(null, 'The value is not equal to test');
        callback(); // everything went ok


The sanitization methods runs after all validations and if no invalid field was found. They run in series, so you can chain them.

  • default

    Replace the value of the key if it is empty. You need to pass the default value as the config value. Functions can also be passed as the default value, so they will be evaluated on every validation, if the function contains a parameter, it will be evaluated as an async function.

    default : funtion(callback){
        callback(null, new Date());
    // or this
    default : Date.now
    // or this
    default : []
  • toString

    Converts the value to a string. You just need to pass true as the config param. Ex.:

    toString : true

  • toBoolean

    Converts the value to a boolean. You just need to pass true as the config param. Ex.:

    toBoolean : true

  • toNumber

    Converts the value to a integer. You just need to pass true as the config param. Ex.:

    toInteger : true

  • upperCase

    Converts a string to uppercase. You just need to pass true as the config param. Ex.:

    uppercase : true

  • lowerCase

    Converts a string to lowercase. You just need to pass true as the config param. Ex.:

    lowercase : true

  • capitalize

    Converts the first letter of a string to uppercase. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    capitalize : true

  • clean

    Transform recursive spaces in one space. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    clean : true

  • escapeHTML

    Converts HTML special characters to their entity equivalents. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    escapeHTML : true

  • unescapeHTML

    Converts entity characters to HTML equivalents. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    unescapeHTML : true

  • titleize

    Converts every first character from every word in the string to uppercase. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    titleize : true

  • camelize

    Converts underscored or dasherized string to a camelized one. Begins with a lower case letter unless it starts with an underscore or string. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    camelize : true

  • classify

    Converts string to camelized class name. First letter is always upper case. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    classify : true

  • underscored

    Converts a camelized or dasherized string into an underscored one. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    underscored : true

  • dasherize

    Converts a underscored or camelized string into an dasherized one. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    dasherize : true

  • humanize

    Converts an underscored, camelized, or dasherized string into a humanized one. Also removes beginning and ending whitespace, and removes the postfix '_id'. You just need to pass true as the config param.

    humanize : true

  • trim

    Trims defined characters from the begining and ending of the string. Defaults to whitespace characters. You can pass an string whith the characters to trim or true to trim just whitespaces.

    trim : '-_ '

  • ltrim

    Trims defined characters from the begining of the string. Defaults to whitespace characters. You can pass an string whith the characters to trim or true to trim just whitespaces.

    ltrim : '-_ '

  • rtrim

    Trims defined characters from the ending of the string. Defaults to whitespace characters. You can pass an string whith the characters to trim or true to trim just whitespaces.

    rtrim : '-_ '

  • truncate

    Truncate de string. You need to pass an array with the maximum size of the string and the truncate characteres.

    truncate : [20, '...']
    // or this
    truncate : 20
    // or this
    truncate : [10, '-->']
  • prune

    Elegant version of truncate, this wont chop words in half. You need to pass an array with the maximum size of the string and the truncate characteres.

    prune : [20, '...']
    // or this
    prune : 20
    // or this
    prune : [10, '-->']
  • dateTransform

    Transforms a date pattern into another one. You need to pass an array with the expected pattern and the final pattern.

    dateTransform : ['YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', 'MM/DD/YYYY']

  • hash (Node.js only)

    Hash a string with the given algorithm. You need to pass an algorithm as the config and optionaly a salt.

    hash : 'md5'
    // or this
    hash : ['sha1', 'mySecretHash']
  • remove

    Removes the key from the final object. You just need to pass true as the config.

    remove : true

  • pbkdf2 (Node.js only)

    Hash a string with the PBKDF2 algorithm. You need to pass the salt, the number of iteration and the desired hash lenght true as the config.

    pbkdf2 : ['mySecretSalt', 1000, 520]

  • custom

    Create a custom sanitizator, you need to pass a function as the config param. Ex.:

    custom : function(value, callback){
        // do something with value
        callback(null, value);

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Cranic Tecnologia e Informática LTDA

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.