
Game project for C Programming classes

Primary LanguageC


A game made for gamers by gamers Programmers

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To Do

  • Enemies
  • Bullet Collision
  • Players
  • Coffee
  • Upgrade System
  • Pixel Perfect Collision
  • LAN Multiplayer
  • Coffee
  • Present the Game
  • PARTY!

Your Ideas

Give us a hint of what you want in a shooter game!

  • Your idea here.

How to contribute

Hi, how are you? Felling that you have something to add to our project? Maybe it's a new type of bullet, or a better AI for our enemies... Or even a better way of doing something, that's faster, simpler, more efficient? Oh came on!! I know that you at least have an idea! And we are craving for it! Share it with us, maybe if you don't have the time, we can give it a try our selves!!!

We are craving for your Feedback, Game play, Code Ideas.

Have a good one! ^^