
A VIM plugin that adds support for the SMT-LIB2 format (including Z3's extensions)

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Extended SMT-LIB2 support for VIM


What is this?

A VIM plugin that adds syntax highlighting for the SMT-LIB2 format, i.e. *.smt2 files.

Although SMT-LIB2 is the standard language supported by most SMT solvers, some of them introduce custom language extensions. Such extensions may range from syntactical sugar to fine-grained control over the underlying solver-procedure. Besides the base SMT-LIB2 language, this plugin supports the extensions used by the Z3 SMT solver.

Note: Unlike other SMT-LIB2 syntax highlighters for VIM, this one is derived directly from the source of Z3's online demo.

The plugin also provides shortcuts for evaluating the current file, using a SMT solver of your choice (defaults to Z3 or boolector):

  • <localleader>r evaluates the current file (in a terminal)
  • <localleader>R evaluates the current file and puts the output in a new split with syntax highlighting
  • <localleader>v prints the solver's version (handy if you switch often)

Note: Unless you've set <localleader> to a custom key, it is \ (VIM default).

Here you can see it in action: asciicast


Plugin Manager Instructions
  1. cd ~/.vim/bundle
  2. git clone https://github.com/bohlender/vim-smt2
  1. add Plugin 'bohlender/vim-smt2' to your ~/.vimrc file (before call vundle#end())
  2. reload your ~/.vimrc or restart VIM
  3. run :PluginInstall in VIM
manual (discouraged) Extract the archive or clone the repository into a directory in your runtimepath (e.g. ~/.vim/):
  1. cd ~/.vim/
  2. curl -L https://github.com/bohlender/vim-smt2/tarball/master | tar xz --strip 1


If you only care about the syntax highlighting and don't need shortcuts for calling a solver, you're done.

Otherwise, you need to:

  • have z3 or boolector in your $PATH, or
  • set g:smt2_solver_command in your ~/.vimrc to the command for calling the solver of your choice (e.g. let g:smt2_solver_command="boolector -m") and also
  • set g:smt2_solver_version_switch to the solver's command line switch for printing it's version (default: --version).


Why does VIM not show any syntax highlighting - neither for *.smt2 files nor for others?

Most likely syntax highlighting is simply disabled. You can enable syntax highlighting by typing :syntax on in VIM or adding syntax on to your ~/.vimrc file.

Why does the ending of a file, e.g. *.smt2, not affect the plugins loaded by VIM?

Make sure that you have filetype plugins enabled. See |filetype-plugin-on| for details, or simply add the following to your ~/.vimrc:

filetype plugin on

What do you use to get the look shown on the screenshot?

The screenshot was made with the VIM colorscheme monokai and the airline standard theme dark.


You can always create an issue if you find bugs or think that something could be improved. If you want to tackle an issue or contribute to the plugin feel free to create a pull request.