
AppFriends UI SDK

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION

AppFriends UI

AppFriendsUI is an open source library which provides customizable UI components and example usage of AppFriends. It's a great starting point to build an app using AppFriends. It can save you a lot of development hours. Besides UI components, this library also provides convenient methods for you to handles dialogs, send/receive messages and query for users. It uses CoreData to store dialogs and

Example App

You can checkout how to use this SDK together with the AppFriendsCore SDK by running the AFChatUISample app included in this repo.


Step 1 - cocoapod installation

To integrate AppFriends iOS SDK to your Xcode iOS project, add this line in your Podfile

pod 'AppFriendsUI'

Also, add use_frameworks! to the file. eg.

platform :ios, "8.0"

Step 2 - initialization

After installation, the first thing you need to do is initializing the SDK. Look for AppFriendsUI, then invoke: public func initialize(completion: ((success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> ())? = nil) You need to do this after you initialize the AppFriendsCore library

Step 3 - Login

Then you need to login the user by using AppFriendsCore. After login is successful, you can start using all the components of AppFriendsUI

UI Components

AppFriends Chat Container

AppFriendsUI has a HCChatContainerViewController which contains a dialog list view, a friends list view and chat view. This is the easiest way to use AppFriends. You can use it by calling:

let chatContainer = HCChatContainerViewController(tabs:HCTitles.dialogsTabTitle, HCTitles.contactsTabTitle])
let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: chatContainer)
nav.navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

Dialog List

HCDialogsListViewController is a class to help you display your dialogs list.

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Chat UI

HCBaseChatViewController or HCDialogChatViewController is a class you can use to display a chat UI. It provides basic chat UI.

Typing Indicator

You can send typing events with startTyping and endTyping. If you use the chat view provided by this library, type indicator is provided for you automatically, so you don't have to write any additional code.

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Start typing

DialogsManager.sharedInstance.startTyping(_dialogID, dialogType: _dialogType)

End typing

DialogsManager.sharedInstance.endTyping(_dialogID, dialogType: _dialogType)

Search User

AppFriendsUI offers a convenient UI for you to search for users. To use this UI, you can either directly use HCUserSearchViewController or create its sub class.

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Side Panel

Sometimes, you may not wish to leave the current screen to show the chat. With AppFriendsUI, you can achieve this very easily by using a side panel.

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// use this code in one of your view controller
AppFriendsUI.sharedInstance.presentVCInSidePanel(fromVC: self, showVC: channelChatVC, direction: .Left)

UI Customization

AppFriendsUI customization can be done through HCUIConfiguration. You can change the color, font, and text. Example:

HCColorPalette.chatBackgroundColor = UIColor(hexString: "0d0e28")
HCColorPalette.SegmentSelectorOnBgColor = UIColor(hexString: "3c3a60")

If more advanced customizations are needed, you can sub class components of AppFriendsUI.


When you want to switch user, don't forget to log out the user by AppFriendsUI.sharedInstance.logout()