
A template project for creating public GCM* projects

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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A template project for creating public GCM* projects

  • Rename the project, targets, and folders
    • How to duplicate a project
    • Update script/template.podspec.erb.
      • Remember to update the description as CocoaPods will automatically tweet using this description.
      • If you'd like, update the social_media_url to https://twitter.com/your-twitter-handle if you'd like to get @-mentioned when CocoaPods announces the library release.
    • Regenerate GCMTemplateProject.podspec. ruby script/generate-podspec.rb 0.1.0 > GCMTemplateProject.podspec
    • Rename GCMTemplateProject.podspec to match the name of your new repository.
    • Update the Podfile to use the up-to-date project and target names.
    • Pick a gemset name (it should be unique) and update it in .ruby-gemset.
    • Change the names in the Rakefile
  • Configure Travis CI
    • Register the project with Travis CI.
    • Configure hipchat notifications with our encrypted API key by following the instructions here.
    • Update the build status image at the top of README.md (this file).
  • Configure gcbot to handle pull requests
    • edit scripts/gc-github-global-watcher.coffee
    • create a github service hook that's pull request-aware: curl -u <your github username> --data @script/webhook.json https://api.github.com/repos/gamechanger/<project name>/hooks