
Python driver for MongoDB

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



See the mongo site for more information. See github for the latest source.


Mike Dirolf <mike@10gen.com>


The PyMongo distribution contains tools for interacting with the Mongo database from Python. The pymongo package is a native Python driver for the Mongo database. The gridfs package is a gridfs implementation on top of pymongo.


If you have setuptools installed you should be able to do easy_install pymongo to install PyMongo. Otherwise you can download the project source and do python setup.py install to install.


The PyMongo distribution has been tested on Python 2.x, where x >= 3. On Python 2.3 the optional C extension will not be built. This will negatively affect performance, but everything should still work.

Additional dependencies are:

  • ElementTree (this is included with Python >= 2.5)
  • (to generate documentation) sphinx
  • (to auto-discover tests) nose


Here's a basic example (for more see the examples/ directory):

>>> import pymongo >>> connection = pymongo.Connection("localhost", 27017) >>> db = connection.test >>> db.name() u'test' >>> db.my_collection Collection(Database(Connection('localhost', 27017), u'test'), u'my_collection') >>> db.my_collection.save({"x": 10}) ObjectId('4aba15ebe23f6b53b0000000') >>> db.my_collection.save({"x": 8}) ObjectId('4aba160ee23f6b543e000000') >>> db.my_collection.save({"x": 11}) ObjectId('4aba160ee23f6b543e000002') >>> db.my_collection.find_one() {u'x': 10, u'_id': ObjectId('4aba160ee23f6b543e000002')} >>> for item in db.my_collection.find(): ... print item["x"] ... 10 8 11 >>> db.my_collection.create_index("x") u'x_1' >>> for item in db.my_collection.find().sort("x", pymongo.ASCENDING): ... print item["x"] ... 8 10 11 >>> [item["x"] for item in db.my_collection.find().limit(2).skip(1)] [8, 11]


You will need sphinx installed to generate the documentation. Documentation can be generated by running python setup.py doc. Generated documentation can be found in the doc/build/html/ directory.


The easiest way to run the tests is to install nose (easy_install nose) and run nosetests or python setup.py test in the root of the distribution. Tests are located in the test/ directory.