
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Reinforcement Learning Regularized Recsys for Kaggle H&M Competition



Xinxin and his team proposed an innovation mechanism to apply Reinforcement Learning(RL) as a regularizer of supervised learning models for recommender systems [1]. The RL regularizer could help traditional supervised learning-based recommender systems (Recsys) maximize long-term reward. In the second paper[2], they additionally introduced negative training samples, which can eliminate positive bias. Hence the models could achieve better performance. The paper's code managed to get State-Of-The-Art performance on RC15[3] and Retailrocket[4] datasets, which are dedicated for the recommender system. However, the recommender system compromises many application environments. We wonder whether their models can work on more complicated datasets. In this project, we try to apply the second paper's code to the latest Kaggle competition data, H&M Personalized Fashion Recommendations. Moreover, we implement other algorithms on the H&M dataset. Hence, this data set includes our works in two phases:

  • Apply code of Supervised Advantage Actor-Critic for Recommender Systems on data from Kaggle H&M competition.
  • Build other models for Kaggle H&M competition.

Phase 1: Apply Code on H&M Data

Data Preprocessing

Even though the dataset of H&M competition is also prepared for recommender system, it is quite different from RC15 and Retailrocket which are used in the papers. Beyond transaction log, H&M dataset includes items and customer demographic information. Also, there are some major variances between H&M and RC15/Retailrocket's transaction log:

  • Size : The H&M transaction is much larger than RC15/Retailrocket's.
    • RC15 45 MB
    • Retailrocket 92 MB
    • H&M 3.4 GB
  • Click & Purchase : The RC15/Retailrocket transaction include 'isbuy' feature which could indicate whether the customer bought the item in this click action. However, the H&M dataset only recorded purchase actions. This difference brings some difficulties because the papes' code has some optimization for purchase.
  • Timestamp: RC15/Retailrocket dataset's timestamp is accurate to second, while H&M's records only have date information.
  • Session: HM data has no session information, so we treat one customer's transactions as one session. While most RC15/Retailrocket sessions have fewer than 50 items, the sessions in the H&M dataset typically have many more items, some as high as 200. Long sessions cause RNN models to require much more memory and GPU times.

To overcome the above problems, we modified the data sampling code to adapt H&M's transaction log to the paper's training code. We only sample training data from 2019 and beyond to ensure the validity of items. Besides, sessions with lengths less than three are removed, and the ones with lengths over 50 limit the evaluation memory usage. Finally, we also commented on the part of the calculation of clicks to avoid the calculation error that the number of clicks is 0.


We updated the training code in Xinxin's paper to meet our experimental needs. Ex. SA2C Network Code, SNQN Network Code.
Then, we created a series of notebooks to set up a suitable environment on Colab and used Colab GPU resources to train remotely. Ex. SNQN Training Noetbook

Models HR@5 NG@5 HR@10 NG@10 NR@20 NG@20
GRU-SNQN 0.0074 0.0051 0.0115 0.0065 0.0166 0.0077
GRU-SA2C 0.0091 0.0063 0.0129 0.0075 0.0182 0.0089
Caser-SNQN 0.0068 0.0046 0.0101 0.0056 0.0151 0.0069
Caser-SA2C 0.0082 0.0058 0.0111 0.0068 0.0157 0.0079
NItNet-SNQN 0.0151 0.0104 0.0216 0.0125 0.0304 0.0147
NItNet-SA2C 0.0319 0.0222 0.0410 0.0252 0.0510 0.0277
SASRec-SNQN 0.0262 0.0175 0.0381 0.0213 0.0504 0.0244
SASRec-SA2C 0.0399 0.0279 0.0530 0.0322 0.0637 0.0349

Because of the problem we discussed, the model's performance on the H&M dataset is quite worse than its result on RC15 and Retailrocket. SASRec-SA2C obtained is the best model considering all metrics. We did not test supervised learning models (GRU/Caser/NItNet/SASRec) without reinforcement learning regularization because they are not included in the paper's source code.

Phase 2: Other Models

Collaborative Filtering

We implement collaborative filtering in Notebook: Collaborative Filtering . This method achieves a Kaggle score of 0.0127 [5]. For a given user (u), our model will search for similar users (eg. 10 users), which represents u's neighborhood. Next, our model will search for the most popular items in this neighborhood of users similar to u then identify the items that are popular in the group of users similar to u, but are not purchased by u. Lastly, our model will recommend those items to u.

Content Based

We also build content based models which can use items and customer demographic information. The source code in gen_item_cus_dataset.py could convert the raw data into supervised learning model friendly structure data. In ContentBase_NN , we use PyTorch to implement a Deep Neural Network to generate a recommendation. However, we fail to train the full model because it triggers out of memory issues on Google Colab Pro.

Code Structure

├── README.md
├── img
│   └── title.png
├── notebook
│   ├── Collaborative Filtering.ipynb
│   ├── EDA.ipynb
│   ├── GRU.ipynb
│   └── HM_SNQN_SASRec.ipynb
├── paper
│   ├── 2006.05779.pdf
│   └── 2111.03474.pdf
└── src
    ├── models
    │   ├── GRU.py
    │   ├── NextItNetModules.py
    │   ├── SA2C.py
    │   ├── SASRecModules.py
    │   ├── SNQN.py
    │   ├── customer_self_freq.py
    │   ├── gen_replay_buffer.py
    │   └── utility.py
    └── preprocessing
        ├── content_vec_simi.py
        ├── gen_item_cus_dataset.py
        └── gen_sample_ref.py


[1] Xin, Xin, et al. "Self-supervised reinforcement learning for recommender systems." Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2020.

[2] Xin, Xin, et al. "Supervised Advantage Actor-Critic for Recommender Systems." Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. 2022.

[3] RecSys 2015 – Challenge – RecSys (acm.org)

[4] Retailrocket recommender system dataset | Kaggle

[5] Evaluation of H&M Competition