
React hooks based meteor for the web.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React hooks based simpleddp for a meteor backend.


npm install use-meteor

How to use

Wrap your top level component in your app with MeteorProvider

import { MeteorProvider } from 'use-meteor';

const connectUrl = 'localhost:3000';

function App() {

  return (
    <div className="app">
      <MeteorProvider endpoint={connectUrl}>


  1. useConnectionState - current connection state (true/false)
import { useConnectionState } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const connected = useConnectionState();
  1. useSubscription - function to subscribe to publications
import { useSubscription } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const ready = useSubscription('messages', [args]);
  1. useCollection - returns latest collection data on the client
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { useCollection } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const filter = useCallback(group => group.chatId == chatId, [chatId]);
    const messages = useCollection('messageList', filter);
  1. useCollectionOne - returns single first item from the collection
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { useCollection } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const filter = useCallback(group => group.chatId == chatId, [chatId]);
    const message = useCollectionOne('messageList', filter);
  1. useMethod - call a method on the server
import { useMethod } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const call = useMethod();
    const submitFunction = async (data1,data2) => {
        await call('someMethod', data1, data2, ...rest);
  1. useLogin, useLogout - returns functions that login/logout the user.
import { useLogin, useLogout } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const login = useLogin();
    const logout = useLogout();
    const loginThenLogout = async (email,password) => {
        await login(email,password);
        await logout();
  1. useCurrentUser - returns the current logged in user and logging in state.
import { useCurrentUser } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const [user,loggingIn] = useCurrentUser();
  1. useStore - zustand based state storage, mainly used in internally, but also available to inspect outside
import { useStore } from 'use-meteor';

function DemoComponent() {
    const connected = useStore(state => state.connected);

Available state values -

const state = {
   connected: <true/false>,
   userId: <null/string>,
   userToken: <null,string>,
   user: <null,Object>,
   loggingIn: <true/false>