
Game On! iOS App

Primary LanguageSwift

Game On! iOS

Build Status

Game On! iOS App lets you interact with Game On's community.


The app let's you show the projects you are working on with you development group and get feedback. You can view Game On's events and get a detail schedule about our events's activities.


  • Add and read posts
  • View events
  • Add and view Game On's community games
  • Join, create and view Game On's community development groups



Help is welcome. All our development happens on Github. We are looking for Swift developers, aiming to make this community bigger. Your ideas are also welcome.

Before submitting a Pull Request take a look to our Getting Started section below.

Getting Started

  • Fork the repo and create your branch from master.
  • Download the repository
  • To download the frameworks run in your terminal:
carthage update
  • To download the Facebook's frameworks run:
curl -O https://origincache.facebook.com/developers/resources/?id=facebook-ios-sdk-current.zip && unzip -o ?id=facebook-ios-sdk-current.zip -d Carthage/Build/iOS/ && rm ?id=facebook-ios-sdk-current.zip


Our design templates can be found in Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/47992343/Game-On-iOS-App-Design

Our interactive design can be found in Adobe XD: https://xd.adobe.com/view/19b08e96-d35d-4647-9feb-93bad3f74275/


Posts View


Events View

Event View