Apigee X and Cloud Run

Based on Devrel Reference Implementation for how to front a Cloud Run service with Apigee X. Modified code to use Cloud Build to deploy APIGEE proxy


This example is built using the GCP Service Account Association that is available in Apigee X and hybrid. For scenarios where this option is not available you could make use of the GCP SA shared flow to obtain a valid access token and use it within the ServiceCallout policy.

For more background information please see this Community Article.


See the community article linked above for step by step instructions or use the pipeline.sh script to deploy a simple example.

export APIGEE_X_ORG=<my-org>
export APIGEE_X_ENV=<my-env>
export APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME=<my-hostname>
export DELETE_AFTER_TEST=false
