

forgot the question name of a particular website. No worries, go to our website and search for your questions by putting relevant keywords and hitting search;


Institution : IIT Kharagpur

Search Engine

A search engine that allows users to search for questions based on their query. The search engine consists of three main stages: web scraping, TF-IDF algorithm, and a Flask web application.

Table of Contents


  • Web scraping: The search engine scrapes question data from websites such as LeetCode, Codeforces, and CodeChef (But in this, I've only scrapped data from Leetcode for simplicity) using Beautiful Soup and Selenium.
  • TF-IDF algorithm: It implements the TF-IDF algorithm to find potential documents (questions) related to the user's query.
  • Web application: The search engine is integrated into a web application built with Flask and HTML, allowing users to search for questions and view the results.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

  • Make sure you have beautiful soup and selenium installed in your workspace

    pip install bsoup
    pip install selenium
  • if getting error after installing the libraries

    pip install -user bsoup selenium

for installing it globally

  • For hosting the backend locally go to Website/Backend

    python -m flask --app app run
  • Now you are good to go, now the website will be hosted on


  1. Perform a search:
  • Enter a query in the search box.
  • The search engine will process the query using the TF-IDF algorithm and display relevant questions as results.


Thank you for considering contributing to the search engine project! Please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your contributions.
  2. Make your changes, add tests if applicable, and make sure that the code passes all existing tests.
  3. Submit a pull request detailing your changes, their motivation, and any relevant information.