
A complete Ruby wrapper for GiantBomb's API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gem Version Code Climate Test Coverage

A Ruby wrapper for the GiantBomb API

Project initially started by intelekshual.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'giantbomb-api', '~> 1.6.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install giantbomb-api

In your Rails application, add your API key to: config/initializers/giantbomb.rb



The gem comprises of all GiantBomb public resources:

  • Accessory GiantBomb::Accessory
  • Character GiantBomb::Character
  • Chat GiantBomb::Chat
  • Company GiantBomb::Company
  • Concept GiantBomb::Concept
  • Franchise GiantBomb::Franchise
  • Game GiantBomb::Game
  • Game Rating GiantBomb::GameRating
  • Genre GiantBomb::Genre
  • Location GiantBomb::Location
  • Object GiantBomb::Object
  • Person GiantBomb::Person
  • Platform GiantBomb::Platform
  • Promo GiantBomb::Promo
  • Rating Board GiantBomb::RatingBoard
  • Region GiantBomb::Region
  • Release GiantBomb::Release
  • Review GiantBomb::Review
  • Theme GiantBomb::Theme
  • Type GiantBomb::Type
  • User Review GiantBomb::UserReview
  • Video GiantBomb::Video
  • Video Type GiantBomb::VideoType

All resources inherit #list #detail and #search


Finding a Resource
game = GiantBomb::Game.detail(49598)
game.id => 49598
game.name => "Need for Speed"
game.deck => "Need for Speed attempts to reboot the franchise with a focus on nighttime street races, multiplayer action, police chases, and new ways for players to configure and tune their cars."
game.franchises => [{"api_detail_url"=>"http://www.giantbomb.com/api/franchise/3025-483/", "id"=>483, "name"=>"Need for Speed", "site_detail_url"=>"http://www.giantbomb.com/need-for-speed/3025-483/"}]
Searching a Resource
search = GiantBomb::Search.new

search.limit(50) # max 100
search.query('Need for Speed')

search.fetch # excute query


GiantBomb::Search.new().query('Need for Speed').resources('game').offset(3).fetch
Searching multiple Resources
GiantBomb::Search.new().query('Need for Speed').resources('game, franchise').offset(3).fetch
Available filter methods
.limit(10)               # limits the number of returned resources, max 100
.resources('game')       # determines the type of resource, accepts multiple resources (eg: 'game, franchise, video')
.fields('name, deck')    # returns only the requested resources
.offset(100)             # sets the offset
.query('Need for Speed') # the query to search for


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

  • Tests


For more examples see mygames.io, games.directory repo and games.directory for a live application


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.