
Create a ring based, preview system, similar to the XBOX Insider Program, in your Rails apps

Insider Preview

This is a placeholder repository for an upcoming Rails engine that allows you to create preview flags in your app. The system is currently being developed and battle tested in games.directory and games.directory(repo) and inspired by the XBOX Live Insider Preview program.

Our main goal is to achieve a very simple, ring based system, for your Rails app where you can enable/disable certain features based on a User's ring.

class DirectoryFeature < ApplicationRecord
  serialize :current_status

  # Enums
  enum ring: [:'alpha-skip', :alpha, :beta, :delta, :omega]

  def available?(user)
    return user.admin?
    return user.ring == ring

For example, given that we have this feature,

  name: 'gaming_session_reflex',
  ring: :beta,
  label: 'Gaming Sessions',
  description: 'This feature allows a User to start a gaming session, or let games.directory automatically detect one, and gather some informations about it such as Time Played, Trophies etc..',
  released_at: DateTime.new(2020, 1, 1),
  next_ring_release_at: DateTime.new(2020, 5, 1),
  final_release_planned_at: DateTime.new(2020, 12, 1),
  current_status: {
    date: DateTime.now,
    description: "We're still thinkering with finding out the best way of releasing this to a larger userbase without affecting system performance and hitting API rate limits."

and then we can check if the current_user has access to this feature through:

@feature = DirectoryFeature.find('gaming_session_reflex')

- if @feature.available?(user.ring)

  = link_to('Start Session', '#', data: { reflex: 'click->Session#check', 'reflex-root': dom_id(current_user, 'session') }, class: 'btn -purple -small -round')

- else

    = "only available to #{ feature.ring } users. We're fine tuning some things before releasing to more users"