This repository contains submodules. You should clone with the --recursive
flag. Alternatively you may run git submodule init; git submodule update;
This is a pretty vanilla rasbian image. Chanes to:
Packages installed:
sudo apt-get install screen python-dev libssl-dev
Submodule configured:
Everything should start on boot. JIC:
The miner_start script kills any existing miner, updates the codebase/settings and spawns new processes. This includes 3 stratum proxies and a single "chainminer" instance. At boot /etc/rc.local runs it.
Configuration is managed through this git repository. Whenever a miner is rebooted the latest code is pulled and used.
You'll need to drop to root in order to see the screen sessions:
sudo -s
screen -list
There should be 4 session running at any given time. These are named `stratum1`, `stratum2`, `stratum3`, `miner`.