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Braiins is providing to the mining world a free hashrate aggregation proxy Braiins Farm Proxy. Braiins Farm Proxy encompasses four primary components:

  • Farm Proxy
  • Farm Monitor
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

Go to Braiins Academy for the full documentation.


Quick Start

  1. Clone the git repository git clone
  2. Go to the farm-proxy repository cd farm-proxy
  3. Fill in your preferred proxy settings in the config file vim ./config/sample.toml (see below the example of the config file)
    1. Fill in your mining pool in the table target
    2. Make sure you specify userName.workerName so that hashrate is routed to correct pool account.
  4. [optional] If you ran also Farm Monitor, define IP address ranges for the device discovery in the config file ./monitoring/metrics_exporter/metrics-exporter.toml
  5. Run monitoring with the command docker-compose up -d
  6. Verify that farm-proxy is running docker ps
  7. Open URL http://localhost:3000 to see the Client Dashboard in Grafana
  8. Connect miners to the Braiins Farm Proxy (fill in the proxy URL stratum+tcp://<your_host:port> to the pool settings of the miners)

Farm Proxy Distribution

Farm Monitor can be currently run on Linux OS as a multiplatform software:

  • AMD 64bit
  • ARM 64bit
  • ARMv7


At the beginning it is required to install a couple of prerequisites:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Git


Braiins Farm Proxy config file has to be present in the directory ./config and it has be TOML file. Braiins Farm Monitor has to be configured in the config file ./monitoring/metrics_exporter/metrics-exporter.toml.

Example Configuration

Examples of configuration files for Braiins Farm Proxy and Braiins Farm Monitor.

Braiins Farm Proxy Configuration

Configuration for a farm, which is mining on the Braiins Pool with a pool usernam name braiins.

name = "S1"
port = 3336

name = "SP"
url = "stratum+tcp://"
user_identity = "braiins.fp"

name = "RD"
from = ["S1"]

name = "Primary Goal"

targets = ["SP"]

Braiins Farm Monitor Configutation

Configuration for a farm, where miners have IP addresses in the IP ranges 1.2.0.*, 1.2.*.2, 1.3.0.* and 1.3.*.2.

# scraping internal for stock FW devices, scraping interval for BOS+ devices is defined in the monitoring/promethus/prometheus.yml (default is also 5s)
stock_fw_scrape_interval = "1m"

# ranges needs to be defined by user, name of the ranges is then used as Prometheus label
# naming is arbitrary
# number of ranges is also arbitrary
Building_A = ["1.2.0.*","1.2.*.2"]
Building_B =["1.3.0.*","1.3.*.2"]

# credentials needed only for http API, cgminer API doesn't require credentials
# default credentials are root/root, if the user is using another credentials, it has to be edited and uncommented here
#username = "root"
#password = "root"

# interval for scanning period
scan_interval = "5m"
# timeout interval for scanning
scan_timeout = "15s"
# maximal number of parallel scan requests
scan_max_concurrency = 1000
# timeout interval for scraping stock FW devices
stock_fw_scrape_timeout = "5s"
# maximal number of parallel scrape requests for stock FW devices
stock_fw_scrape_max_concurrency = 40000

Braiins Farm Proxy Configutation

Since Braiins Farm Proxy version 23.01, telemetry data are collected in order to be able to track technical issues, errors and future improvements of the application. In case the user doesn't want to send telemetry data to Braiins, he can opt out. Just add to the proxy configuration file following rows:

enable_farm_metrics_telemetry = false